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A loud bang was heard in the duke's study.

Unable to contain her anger, Lilac went to her father's study to confront him. All she just wanted was a shred of explanation, a shred of love. Not for her, for she already got to experience that in her past life, but for her brother whom she loves. She felt anger for Lily, who had never tried true parental love, even in his dying days.

"Miss Lilac, how can I help you?" Duke Rosal's personal attendant, Robert, greeted Lilac at the door.

"Get. Me. Father.", said Lilac enunciating every word, her fury barely kept under wraps.

"No need to call me, what do you need."

Seeing the man known as her father ever so stoic, Lilac's fury rised once more. Unable to control her anger, she let out her tears. Tears of disappointment, hatred and anger. Seeing his daughter suddenly cry, Duke Rosal felt bewildered and quickly went over to Lilac.

"Please don't touch me." Lilac wiped her tears away and took a step back from her father. A flash of hurt was seen on Duke Rosal's face.

"Father do you hate us?" Lilac can't keep her voice from cracking. Duke Rosal was about to reply when she cut him off.

"You never visit us, nor do you check up on us. I understand if you did, but you should at least keep up pretenses! Now even at Lily's death bed, he still hasn't felt anything from you. Why do you do that? Is it because of guilt? Or is it because you hated mother." Lilac clenched her fists in order to prevent herself from throwing the vase at him.


"You know what, forget it. Forget that I came here." Lilac ran away, slamming the door in the process.

Lilac was very angry that she shed out tears once more. She doesn't know what came into her when she went to her father's study in a fit of rage and spilled out what she felt. She felt a bit embarrassed because she prided herself in keeping calm no matter what situation she was in. This time, she lashed out. Perhaps it was because she was in a child's body that she cannot control her emotions that well.

"Wait!" The duke caught up to Lilac, hugging her back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a coward. I'm sorry for not being the father I was supposed to be." The duke sobbed. Lilac was startled seeing her stoic father cry, showing a more human side of him.

"I know that both of you probably will never forgive me, but please remember that I love both of you. Yes, I'll admit that I haven't been a good father, nor even be a father to both of you, but please give me a second chance. Please give me a chance to redeem myself to both of you. Please..."

Seeing her father cry, Lilac cannot help but feel sorry for him. As much as Lilac disliked her father, in the end he still was her father.

"...Okay father" She then wrapped her arms around the sobbing man in front of her.

He may be a coward, but if he was willing to change, she should give him a chance. That is, if he truly does want to change and take action. If he really wants to be forgiven, he should put his words in to action.

The touching reunion between father and child was broken by a frantic maid rushing over.

"Master the young master is having an attack!"


Ok sorry for that, I don't know how to write these kind of scenes. Some of you may want Lilac to face slap her father, but personally what Duke Rosal did can still be forgiven. Sure, he didn't pay attention to them, but he didn't abuse them. He may be the kind of person that does not know how to deal with his own emotions, you know low EQ. You have to remember that people can still be redeemed, some people can not be.

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