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In a few days, the twins were scheduled to return back to the Rosal fief.

Lilac pleaded to her father that she wanted to continue her studies in their fief. After continuously begging Duke Rosal day and night, he finally approved it. Lily, who didn't want to be separated from his sister, also convinced his father to follow her under the pretense of applying in the military.

The duke was apprehensive at first, considering that Lily was still a young boy of five and the military was no laughing matter. Commoner or nobility, rich or poor, young or old, the military would not go easy on someone. Duke Rosal would know since he, too, joined it. He didn't know whether to feel proud for his son or feel scared for him. But he still decided that he'd support whatever his children wanted to do. Besides, Lily already knew how to wield magic flawlessly, the only thing he lacks was experience.

The duke knew that Lily would be the next heir due to the manifestation of his powers, and in order for him to be a good tactician and general for the kingdom, he needed to experience the reality around him. Because how can a good leader rule over his people without knowing them?


The twins packed up everything they needed and went into the carriage. Lily was worried about his father. He wanted the duke to also follow them to their fief. Unfortunately, he could not since he had a lot of things to catch up to because of his one year break. Lilac reassured Lily not to worry. "It would be fine", she said, since Cristy would be coming with them.

The travel from the capital to the fief would take a month at most. Although they were surrounded with guards all the time, that didn't stop them from worrying about what could go wrong. The twins liked to stop every now and then and explore some of the other towns culture. They met a lot of people from different walks of life and even tasted some of the food they had. They immediately got sick of the travel food they constantly ate and looked forward when they passed by a town. They couldn't stop by in some towns though, since there was an outbreak of the plague.

Lilac worried about this. Although the plague was not yet a full blown one, she still didn't like the idea of that since even a simple cold could kill
someone. She wondered how their fief was doing. She heard news that an outbreak was happening at their fiefdom. Although she stayed there for a year, she couldn't do anything remotely helpful since they all focused on their father. She had to thank the capable butler, Robert, for keeping things a bit under control and not making it a full blown plague. Lilac, with the help of her newly found powers, swore to put stop to it before it goes fully out of hand.

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