13. Meet and Greet

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I would really recommend listening to 'Fallin' all in you' by Shawn Mendes while reading this chapter. The picture attached is the dress Anna is wearing ;) Not edited but I thought I would update.


"Are you completely sure about this?"

"Yes I am." She rolls her eyes.

"They wont mind..."

"I dont wanna be alone at home when I can have so much fun with you." She smiles and kisses me on my right cheek.

"I wouldnt mind if that kiss was shifted a bit to the left you know."

She bits her lip and looks at me. I put my hands on her waist and pull her closer. Her lips soon connect with mine. She smiles into the kiss and tries to pull away but I bit and pull on her lower lip. I start kissing her from her jaw to down till her collarbone.

"Thats enough for now Styles."

That drives me even crazy and I pick her up as she wraps her legs around my waist. I carry her onto the kitchen counter while she moans out my name.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I groan and move my hand towards the phone. She grabs my face and kisses me hungrily.

"For fuck's sake Harry!"

We both involuntarily stop. I look at my phone and realise that I answered it instead of rejecting it.

Great job Styles.

"What?" I say connecting my phone to my ear. "I was just kissing my girlfriend."

"MATE! YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER?! OH MY GOD!" Niall shouts through the phone. Anna shakes her had and gets off the counter and goes into the bedroom.

"Yes" I simply answer.

"OH MY GOD!" He shous again. "Are you coming or... making out eh?"

His Irish accent rings in my head and I smile. "Coming." I say. "With her."

He laughs before hanging up.

"Honey..." I hear Anna calling. I turn around to see her fully dressed.

"Oh my god."

As always she looks great. She is wearing a black short gown which goes until her thigh. I got it for her a few days ago from versace.

She looks so perfect.

She is so perfect.

"Are we ready?"

"You look amazing Anna." I say.

"I know" she swats at my arm.

She comes closer and hugs me lightly. I hug her too. We stay there for a couple of minutes.

"I love you." I break the silence.

"I know."


"Lad!" Louis shouts from the couch.

Rosie's had always been our place. Anyone had a fight? Rosie. Anyone had a breakup? Rosie. Hungry? Rosie. Everything? Rosie.

"Oi!" I say back.

Across the couch are sitting Louis and Eleanor. Besides them are Liam and Cheryl. Two of six chairs are taken by Zayn and Gigi. Whereas other two are taken by Niall and Hailee hand in hand. The left two chairs are for me and Anna. We both walk over and have a seat.

I Wouldn't Love You Enough // Harry Styles ✓ [wattys 2020]Where stories live. Discover now