6. Carolina

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☆Anna's POV☆

I am woken up by soft music. Yesterday was not so good. Harry didnt seem in a really good mood. After the interview we headed to starbucks and rest of the eveing he was sitting in his office- a room on the first floor where he has all his music stuff. Whereas I was left listening to all the bullshit the news reporters were saying about me and Harry.

The music sounds like guitar. It is really cool to be honest. Soon a beautiful voice is accompanied by the jazzy music. I find myself getting off the bed and crawling up the stairs. The music gets louder and the words clearer. He takes a pause and starts again.

"She's got a family is Carolina. So far away, but she says I remind her of home. Feeling oh so far from home."

Carolina? While I and Harry were drinking on his rooftop I did tell him that he felt like home. Being with him did give me the feeling of home.

"She never saw herself as a west coaster. Moved all the way cause her grandma told her."


Is he writting a song about me. I reach to the door of his office. My eyes rest on his back. Head is swinging side to side as he plays his guitar shooting himself on a camera.

"Towns, better swim before you down"

He suddenly stops and turns with wide eyes to look at me. I give him a small smile before entering. He is still looking at me with wide eyes.

"Did you hear everything?"

"Yeah. It was quite good."

"Oh." He exhales.

"Would you mind singing the whole thing to me?" I say as I sit on the chair infront of him and lay my hand on his knee. He looks at it and the corners of his mouth turn upwards.

"She's got a family in Carolina
So far away, but she says I remind her of home
Feeling oh so far from home
She never saw herself as a west coaster
Moved all the way 'cause her grandma told her
"Towns, better swim before you drown""

He sings the parts he sung before without having an eye contact with me. Clearly all of those lines are the story of my life.

"She's a good girl
She's such a good girl
She's a good girl
She feels so good"

His eyes clench together when he sings high notes. He still does not make an eye contact with me. How would he ever know that I am falling for him?

" She's got a book for every situation
Gets into parties without invitations
How could you ever turn her down?
There's not a drink that I think could sink her
How would I tell her that she's all I think about?
Well, I guess she just found out"

My eyes are wide by the end of that stanza. Am I all he thinks about? No. No. This is just another one of his songs. Why would he write a song about me?

"She's a good girl
She's such a good girl
She's a good girl
She feels so good

She feels so good"

A little moan escapes his soft lips at the end. A shiver passes through my whole body. I cant help but stare at the beautiful man sitting infront of me. Singing a song he hasnt released yet. Singing a song he has written for me. Singing a song refusing eye contact with me.

"I met her once and wrote a song about her
I wanna scream, yeah
I wanna shout it out
And I hope she hears me now"

I Wouldn't Love You Enough // Harry Styles ✓ [wattys 2020]Where stories live. Discover now