19. Sick

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Important chapter.

☆Anna's POV☆

"Hurry up Anna!" Harry shouts as I tie my hair up in a high ponytail.

"Coming!" I shout back.

"Conny is going to scream if I am late again!"

"I am done." I say as I descend the stairs and grab his arm to wear my sneakers.

"You are sure you are gonna be okay?" Harry asks with furrowed brows. "I can skip the meeting if you want me there."

"We talked about this. I am going to Dr. Steve and you are going to your meeting." I say sternly.

"I could-"

"No." I cut him off.

"Anna." He whines.

"Harry." I mimic.

"I just... I feel bad I cant be there with you. I promised that I would be."

"Its okay Harry. Its just this one time. Alright?"

"Yeah." He sighs in defeat. I peck him on the lips and he smiles.

He guides me to the car and opens the door for me to enter.

"Thank you, gentleman." I tease.

"You are welcome, my lady"

I giggle and step into the car. Harry jogs around the car to step into the driver's seat. He brings the car to life and then places his hand on my thigh. He has done this multiple times yet each time I get butterflies in my stomach. Its been a month since we got married- the best day of my life. We havent left the house ever since. We both love to snuggle in as it hails slowly outside. We end of watching movies or have sex or cuddle and sleep.

We reach the hospital and he slams the break. He looks at me and cups my neck to bring me closer to give a goodbye kiss. I glady accept and we stay there for a moment before I pull away. He frowns but I tap on my watch to remind him that he is going to be late.

"Bye honey." I say.

"Bye love." He says as I slam the door shut and walk towards the entrance.

☆Harry's POV☆

I watch as Anna pushes her way through the crowd to enter the hospital. I look at the time displayed on the dash board before gasping.


I was supposed to be at the meeting at 10. As soon as I get the car on the highway, my phone starts to ring.


I pull out the phone from my back pocket as I step on the gas and speed up the car.

"Harry! You are late again. Are you out yet?"

"I am on my way. Anna had a doctor's appointment. I am close."

"Alright. Be quick."

"I cant make it more than 120 km per hour."

"Oh my god!" She shrieks. "Be slow."

I hang up on her when she starts to give me a lecture about how I should drive slow. Within 5 minutes I reach the office and open the door to the conference room, panting.

"Good. You are late." Conny says.


"Alright. So its final?" Sephora sighs.

"Yeah all good." I say.

"So the tour is coming after a year and a half. We shall announce it after a year."

I Wouldn't Love You Enough // Harry Styles ✓ [wattys 2020]Where stories live. Discover now