36. Perfect

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"Mr. Styles?"

After getting some food with Louis, we had returned to the waiting room. The surgery was still in session and honestly I was shit scared. Louis told me to have a bit of a nap and I agreed; but I couldn't fall asleep. I just sat in my chair staring at the ceiling and hoping everything was okay.

I jump at my name. I rush to Dr. Steve. He has that uaual poker face on. I search his face for any kind of emotions. Right when I am about to ask him he breaks into a smile. I sense some positivity in the environment but try not to get my hopes too high.

"Is she okay?"

"She's in great condition. We have never seen a patient having so much will power." He smiles. "You can go see her. She is awake."

My smile widens and I begin rushing towards her room but I come back to hug Dr. Steve and mutter a thank you. He pats my back and laughs.

I slowly open the door to find her lying down on her bed with her eyes closed. She opens them when I close the door. A small smile spreads across her lips.

She remembers me.

"Styles." She says softly.

"Anna." I greet her back and walk towards her bed.

"How are you?" She murmurs.

"I am great. Just worried sick about you. How are you?" I chuckle.

"I dont know."

Before I could say anything else, Dr. John barges in. He has a clipboard in his hand.

"Hi, Anna." He greets her with a small smile.

"Hi." She winces out.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess." She looks at me and blinks.

"I am gonna need you to elaborate that a bit more." He purses his lips.

"I dont know. I feel like my medulla oblongata is on fire. I cant seem to make any decisions over how I am feeling." She closes her eyes.

"Okay." He looks back down at the clipboard. "I am gonna let you rest. Do you want Mr. Styles to be here with you?"

"Yes." She nods and opens her eyes to look at me.

Dr. John nods and leaves. Anna never takes her eyes off me. I finally feel relief wash over me as I stare back into those eyes intensely.

She is alive. She is safe. She remembers me.

I rub my face with my hands. When I look back at her, she has her eyebrows furrowed.

"Did we get married?" She asks slowly.

"We did." I say in a small voice.

"I am sorry. I cant seem to remember anything." She closes her eyes.

"Its alright." I place my hand on top of hers. "Do you want me to tell you everything?"

"Yeah." She breathes out.

"Well, what do you remember?"

"I remember..." she thinks but after a while sighs.

"You should have some rest." I say softly.

"Dont leave." She says when I get up to leave.

"Okay." I give her a small smile. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

And in that moment I know that the person I love the most is here besides me, alive and healthy. And she loves me, still.


I Wouldn't Love You Enough // Harry Styles ✓ [wattys 2020]Where stories live. Discover now