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"My mind is filled with dreams of romantic meetings"-Virginia Woolf

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"My mind is filled with dreams
of romantic meetings"-Virginia Woolf

I took his hand; they were not calloused but as soft as a ripe peach. He rested his thumb on the back of my hand rubbing small circles as if to soothe the tension.

Opening the door led us outside the supposed basement appeared more like an outbuilding. My bare feet stepped upon the grass as he pulled me directly behind.

"Darla love, where are the dolls?" he questioned. The woman in black and white maid attire pointed forward.

"The butterfly garden sir, is this a visitor?" she asked looking me up and down.

"Not a visitor Darla," he kissed the back of my palm "but a doll." I gagged in response, how dare he flaunt me around as though I'm his trophy wife.

"Welcome home love, congratulations sir." She bowed as I frowned. Welcome home? Are you deliberate? I was abducted from my home to be here!

"That's Darla she's the housekeeper, she also watches over you dolls." He leaned down to whisper in my ear as I shivered at the proximity. Never letting my hand go he dragged me forward until there were brick steps leading to an open garden.

"Watch your step doll, I have your shoes elsewhere but the garden is always fresh and clean there's no harm." He spoke as I placed my bare feet on each of the aligning brick passageways.

We walked for some time. he pointing out the different floral arrangements and the monarch butterflies and I keeping note of where I was and how I could escape.

I felt a flush of damp grass brush against my bare feet that forced me to look forward to my surroundings. The sprinklers causing vibrant rainbows in the garden, but nothing as beautiful as them.

Girls were running in flowing dresses or laying down in the damp grass, laughing and enjoying themselves as though they weren't trapped. They made this life seem like heaven on earth.

"Dolls," he coughed clearing his throat and getting their attention immediately. "This here is Adul, the new addition to the family and hopefully the final doll to the collection." He paused the girls stayed silent and made direct eye contact.

"All six of you will treat her well, befriend her, show her the ropes of the game before work tomorrow and any foul play towards her will result in serious consequences understand?"

They nodded immediately "yes sir," they spoke in unison.

"I will let you be; I have business to attend to." He spoke lowly but not leaving before pressing his lips to my hand I frowned at this repeated occurrence. Once gone I turned to my peers they begun speaking among themselves once more.

"Great Daddy's gone we can talk to the new doll!" a thin girl with blonde locs took my hand in hers. "Hi, I'm Athena." Her blue eyes were like the clearest waters I've ever seen.

"I'm Irving," another girl shouted her hair was red like freshly picked strawberries.

"And that's Gladyce and Cassidy" she pointed at the two girls as they laughed and joked. "They're twins they do everything together " Their hair was a light brown and skin as porcelain as the dolls they were. They looked similar except Gladyce had a large birthmark that took up her right cheek.

"Hello, I'm Marisol." She extended a hand her skin was like cinnamon and her hair a dark brown.

"And that's Genevieve, don't worry, she's not good with new people," Athena whispered.

Genevieve was very pale her long black hair flowed down her back and green eyes that can pierce a hole through you. She didn't appear very inviting as she sat alone.

Marisol motioned me to sit on the grass like the others our legs folded underneath each other. "So do you like it here?" Gladyce questioned as I frowned "I was abducted, how could I?"

Irving laughed twirling her hair with her fingers. "We all were but he won't let us out."

"Irving shut up if Taehyung hears you, you'll get us punished," Marisol retorted.

"That's his name — Taehyung? " I spoke under my breath.

"Yes but we call him sir, or in Athena's case, she calls him daddy." Cassidy snickered.

"It's only because he's good in bed okay !" Athena blushed and I thought I was going to be sick.

They actually had sexual intercourse with their abductor?.

"You've had sex with him...with the man who kidnapped you ?" I said disgustedly.

"Well, what do you expect we do?" Marisol scoffed and I frowned not understanding.

"You should try to escape why would you stay here for this abuse?" I retorted in disbelief.

"We are escorts, we have sex, with his friends, with him, with anyone that can pay, and this lavish lifestyle is what we get in return. " Genevieve spoke, her voice made us quiet as she demanded attention.

"So you are prostitutes?" I questioned contorting my face in confusion.

"Not prostitutes, no-no escorts see daddy loves us all, all six of us, I-I mean seven" Athena spoke sadly.

"I love him." she whimpered as everyone cooed, her salty tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

I couldn't imagine being in love with a man that I was forced to share, I couldn't imagine being in love with someone who didn't love me back.

The girls all crowded Athena as to help her get over a bad heartbreak. "He loves you too don't worry." They consoled as they entangled their limbs hugging her closely.

These girls had to be all brainwashed, to believe a man that has caused them so much harm actually had the capability to love them all. I could never fall for him, even if I am stuck here to my death.


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