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My eyes can see nothing human that is good, nowadays

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My eyes can see nothing
human that is good, nowadays.
- D.H Lawrence


We sat still around the dining table. The rough sounds of the metal utensils scraped against the china as we ate dinner.  All along one side: Genevieve, Irving, Marisol and me.

I looked towards the pasta on my plate groaning at the texture, I did not have the appetite to eat, I had a plan to go through. Opting out of the pasta I reached towards the glass of red wine sipping it slowly, feeling the alcoholic beverage drift through my veins.

"Is it good dolls?" Darla asked, her  lips were stained in her signature red lipstick as she smiled widely.

"Yes, but where's sir?" Marisol questioned promptly, Darlas smile faltered, her eyes shifting towards Marisol.

"He will not be joining you for dinner tonight, he's occupied this evening taking care of business. But rest assured he's being fed, as you should be too—Marisol would you like any more to drink?"

Marisol glanced at the empty wine glass ahead of her with departed lips. "I-"

"I think she's good Darla thank you," Genevieve spoke threateningly. " Marisol, finish your pasta."

Obeying she raked up the few pasta noodles into her forks as she took a bite. I glanced towards mine sticking the utensil in the mixture of sauce. The raking of utensils against the plates continued all food in front of us. All the drinks were gone.

She looked over us menacingly; her hands were tucked into her apron as her eyes glared ahead.

Anxiety sat at the pit of my stomach,  "Darla, I would like to be excused." I suggested looking up from the unappetizing meal. I felt unwell as stared at my hands.

"Me too," Irving stretched, a drowsy yawn escaping her lips.

Her red lips rose into a grin, "Very well, Adul, you will be resting in your old bedroom tonight until the business is complete."

Glancing towards her I pushed my chair backward to remove myself from the table. Everyone followed in unison as we made our way to the spiral staircase.

"I don't feel too good," Irving spoke stopping mid-way on the staircase. Her eyebrows furrowed as she placed her fingers on her forehead leaning against the railings.

"W-we need to go." I urged pulling her up the rest of the stairs.

"Be sure to be in your separate bedrooms." Darla advised from the bottom of the staircase. Her figure appeared blurry in my vision.

Groaning in my hazy daze, I reached towards the door of my old bedroom. My hands struggled to turn the knob as my knees felt weak. My ankles were heavy as I stumbled through the room, a loud pounding in my head I fell down closing my eyes and seeing pure darkness.

 My ankles were heavy as I stumbled through the room, a loud pounding in my head I fell down closing my eyes and seeing pure darkness

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"I'd never thought I'd see the day that I would be doing business with Taehyung." Hoseok spoke with a smile.

We sat across from each other, my black desk in between us as he quickly signed his name across the dotted line.

"And why is that Hoseok?" I asked.

He looked up from the paper as he gently sat the pen down. "Well, to think that you'd give up on your business completely is astounding, I never thought you were that type of man."

I reached for the paper between us, looking over it thoroughly. "Well," I started "Most people don't know who I truly am."

I pulled out the folder with her name printed largely at the top. Marisol. Handing it to him was the last part of the transaction.

"Everything that you need is in that folder, All there is to know about her." I confirmed.

He took it in his hands. "And it looks like I finally have myself a doll, now who gets to say that?"

"Sir, Marisol has been moved to your vehicle, your men are waiting outside." Darla interrupted.

"Very well then, I appreciate doing business with you Taehyung. I wish you the best in your future endeavors." He stood tall as our hands collided into a sturdy shake.

"You as well, let me escort you out."

Walking through the front entrance I bid him farewell. Three black vehicles were parked in the driveway. Hoseok's guard stood in the center, with his hands crossed waiting for his arrival.

I watched as he held open the passengers' seat allowing him to get in. Then proceeding to go towards the drivers' side. Almost immediately the first car departed then the other two following.

"Darla, are the other dolls fully conscious? Is everything prepared for their departure?" I asked staring ahead. The dark sky settling in on my view.

"Yes sir, but I believe there has been a mishap."

I turned to her with a frown, "What do you mean?"

"Well I've tried removing a remainder of items to the outhouse and I can't get them in, would you mind assisting me?"

I raised a brow, "remainder of items?"

"Of Marisol's things, Hoseok made it clear he had everything that she would ever need at his home." she confirmed.

Pulling out a cigarette from my pocket I quickly lit it and inhaled a deep smoke, " Alright." I agreed.

We walked towards the outhouse. The door was closed as a few boxes sat outside under the light. Inhaling a final smoke I put the cigarette out.

"How heavy are these that you couldn't pull them in?" I asked reaching for the door.

"Pretty heavy sir," she spoke.

Opening the door I turned on the light filling the small space. Stepping in revealed three bodies tied up against the wall. Their hair disheveled and face wet with tears. Her eyes looked at me for help, her mouth tied as she screamed uncontrollably.

"Adul?" I questioned, "Darla how could you?" quickly a hard object was aimed at my head. Forcing me to fall down on shards of glass. Feeling the glass cut my skin I saw her approach me.

"I'm so sorry." she spoke, reaching into the pocket of her apron and pulling out the familiar white cloth.

:// hi
one-two more chapters to go

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