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I longed to find a day
when it would not be all the same,
— Fyodor Dostoevsky


"You mean to tell me that you stood and watched Gladyce take her own life and didn't stop her!" Irving shouted as her voice filled the room.

It seemed to never end as the four of us sat together in the parlor like we did many times before. The repetition of grieving abiding in my chest pounding painfully as I wished I held her tighter on those nights she woke in panics. Foolishly I hoped that my existence could have convinced her to live longer despite her agony.

"Calm down Irving!" He screamed silencing us all, Irving's eyes widened at his reaction her limbs trembling as she sat down. "She was inconsolable— with a loaded gun lingering in her hand, I  simply tried to rid her of it I didn't know how she would react!" He ran his hand through his hair anxiously.

"Please, when will it end?" Marisol whispered beside me as she hovered over her knees. I took my hand in hers as our fingers interlocked.

"Excuse me, Marisol?" He questioned as his eyes shifted from her distressed expression to our attached hands.

"Sir, these deaths can't be accidental, it doesn't add up." she mumbled nervously.

"Strange Marisol, maybe these dolls have been giving you a negative influence, you have never been the one to behave disrespectfully." He sneered.

"Or maybe she caught on to your bullshit!" Irving shouted. Her eyes brimmed with pools of tears flowing down her pale face which began to match the vivid red of her hair.

It didn't take a second to conclude that he had reached his limit of patience. He scoffed, his eyes rolling at her outburst. A sly smile took over his lips as his hand swiftly contacted her cheek. His silver rings leaving bloodied imprints into her skin as she flinched her palm reaching to cover the marks.

"I can not believe you, I've given you all everything that you could so much desire and you repay me by calling me untruthful!?" He spat making her cower further into Genevieve's embrace.

"Your friend is dead and it was her own choice to end her life, not mine! I don't want to hear a single word come out of your mouth about them for now on!" He shouted.

Our heads nodded in unison as we sat closely on the sofa. We took silent breaths still in fear from his sudden outburst. Afraid of what he may do on impulse next.

"Sir?" Darla spoke gaining his attention, "The room has been cleaned, all items belonging to those that are no longer here have been removed." her eyes dazzled looking towards him for his approval.

"Your bedrooms have been reassigned, lights are out no later than 9:30 every night so I can be assured there will be no deviousness behind my back." He spoke.

"This makes no sense what good will it do to separate us!?" Genevieve cried.

"It will do plenty. Obviously, you forgot who you were compared to me so let this be a reminder," his voice spat out like poison as he continued. "I own you—all of you. Despite the despair you have over the past dolls, the remaining of you will be enforced into a strict awakening."

"Genevieve, Irving, and Marisol your new rooms are all neatly prepared, dinner is at 8 pm sharp." Darla commanded as she left the parlor.

"Wait, what about my room?" I questioned, my eyes searched for his response.

"Well Adul, you will stay with me, I find that it will be more beneficial." He grinned "you are allowed to see the dolls for breaks, breakfast, and supper but as of now you all must retrieve your belongings and bring them to your new room."

I felt Marisol's hand tug mine as she began to rise. I slowly stood making my way up the staircase in silence.

Pushing open the white door to our old room the small lamp illuminated the space as it sat on the dresser. Marisol reached for a clean white towel wetting it with water as she pressed it to Irving's bloodied cheek.

"We can't stay here anymore you know, he's a fucking psychopath he'll kill us!" Irving shouted under her breath.

"Hm funny how it took you a slap in the face to realize that." Genevieve chuckled.

"Excuse me?" Irving retorted, turning her head quickly to glare at Genevieve's unstirred presence.

"Not too long ago you were whining about being separated from the psychopaths best friend. Who is exactly like Taehyung himself."

"Yoongi is different!" Irving defended.

"How!?" Genevieve's voice rose. "You think Taehyung left the little part out about his kidnaps? about the beatings? the abuse? he's a sick man Irving and everything affiliated with him is disgusting as well!"

"Arguing won't save us, this is what he wants, to break us apart," Marisol whispered. "Gladyce and Cassidy are dead, and there's no way he's telling the truth about them, we need to leave, all of us before it's too late."

"We can't no he'll kill us," I spoke.

"And he'll kill us all one by one if we stay." Irving mumbled.

"So what do you suggest we do?" I questioned.

"I suggest we do exactly what he'd do to us." Genevieve laughed.

"Go on?" Marisol urged.

"Kill him."

I'm back... for  now 💓

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