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"How cruel,how profoundly tender

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"How cruel,
how profoundly
tender."-Louise Glück


I felt a void within me. The state of perplexity and consternation controlled my being as we sat in the parlor. All surrounding one another; early the next day.

"I'm sorry to inform you dolls, but Athena was found unresponsive in the lake near the Botanical garden this morning," He stood in front of us with his hands intertwined and his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "It's such an unfortunate circumstance and because of this I'm giving you all an interval to grieve over Athena's lost soul."

"I don't understand," Genevieve spoke amongst the silence, our eyes all shifting towards her. She sat alone at the edge of the sofa with a hysterical mien.

"Where's Athena?" she questioned her green eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm sorry Genevieve." He sighed, taking off his glasses and folding them down.

"I don't want fucking consolation I want to know where she is! Why would she just commit suicide? We were supposed to survive together!" Her tears flowed down her blood red face. Cassidy and Gladyce surrounding her as she let out deep torturous sobs.

Her limbs contorted in a crossing position as her cries jerked her body. She wept as it became an alarm in the quiet atmosphere.

"Where is she!? What have you done!?" She choked, she was in agony as he stood there with a solemn expression.

"I know how hard this is, considering she meant a lot to us." He wiped the brim of his eyes as though there were tears visible, putting on a display for all of us to view.

It all felt so fraudulent. He could convolute his face and emotions in all forms but I knew he couldn't care less that she had died. He couldn't care less about any of us. She had died for a man that could not love her the way she wanted him to. He couldn't love at all.

I pictured Athena's bright blue eyes once more. Her body floating in a lake being prepared to be taken under its constraints. My pity has become sorrow, she was one of us that had proved to never make it out.

"Athena was in bed last night, but had left to the kitchen.. oh god if she had told me how she felt I would've never let her leave the bedroom!" Irving shouted beside me, I rubbed her back to console her.

"Irving...this isn't your fault." I whispered as she frowned.

"Truly, Athena had a subtle heart, unfortunately, beings like that never learn to control it—so they fail in living." He stated so casually as I felt vexation within me.

"How could you say that!? She loved you and you resorted to treating her crudely instead of having morals!" Standing, I screamed in rage.

His eyes shifted to me in order to stare me down, as though he was surprised by my outburst. The smile that formed on his face was unnerving as he looked at me valiantly.

"Surely Adul, if this had been you she wouldn't defend your life this way." He stated as I felt chills throughout my body.

He was right, Athena didn't want me around. She believed I was a threat to her and Taehyung's relationship when all I truly want is to be free.

I felt Marisol grab my left hand, bringing me back to the sofa. Our hands intertwined as I looked at her face for an expression. She appeared distraught, just as that night when Athena was abused.

"I suppose it became too much for her." Cassidy whispered, confirming what we already had known.

"There will be no escorting for three days—you will rest up and Adul and I will be on our way to a much-needed excursion." Crossing his arms over his chest he looked for my manner.

"Wait, what!?" I questioned stunned by his timeliness. A girl just committed suicide and now he desires a vacation?

"Adul, Darla has already gotten your things packed so you must not worry. Quickly say goodbye to the dolls and meet me outside in ten." He declared.

I quickly turned to the girls in distress. Where was he taking me for three whole days?

"Enjoy your trip, I would do anything to get out of this shit hole." Genevieve sneered walking past me to the staircase as Cassidy quickly followed her.

"Don't worry about Genevieve, she's taking this really hard. But I hope you enjoy yourself though—tell me how you like it okay?" Gladyce gently rubbed my shoulder and smiled.

"I don't want to go, Marisol." I whispered as she was the only one in the parlor near me, due to Irving leaving with Gladyce.

"You're the last doll he's taken out since Ha-" she was interrupted as Darla turned to me with bags.

"He's ready for you dear." She smiled sweetly at the two of us.

I hugged Marisol tightly "I'll be back okay?" I whispered.

"Stay safe."She responded.

I turned to Darla to grab the bags as she started walking ahead of me. "I'll put your bags in the car myself love." She spoke as I quickly walked behind her.

The mansion doors opened to view the most direct sunlight I've gotten in days. The bright rays of light warmed my skin ridding the goosebumps that had previously formed.

The curvaceous drive had a car parked in front of my view. He rolled down the windows as Darla placed my suitcase in the rear.

"Do you like it? it's a 1960's, Rolls Royce." He smiled as I began to walk towards the black expensive vehicle.

Darla opening the door for me to enter as I sat into the luscious seats. The black interior of the car had a vintage persona, and the smell of mint filled my senses.

"Enjoy your stay sir." grinning she closed the door.

"Buckle up doll, we don't have time for calamity." He asserted looking towards the seat belt. He replaced his glasses with shades as he chewed on mint gum and his arm rested on the steering wheel.

I quickly pulled it across my chest locking myself in. Uncertainty running throughout my body.

"Where are we going?" I questioned eying his expression for a response.

"Adul doll, what have I told you about being at ease?" He winked, revving the engine and quickly pulling out of the drive.

A/N tysm for those who comment
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