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Keith's POV
After fighting Zarkon today the whole Voltron crew felt weird. Everyone else except me and Pidge were feeling nauseous, and had a headache. Pidge and I feel lightheaded and have stomach cramps. Not like it's abnormal for her. A few days ago I found her secret stash of chocolate. "

Coran! Go do some tests on Keith and Lance's blood, then tell me what the heck is going on!" Shiro says in his space dad voice. Coran replies with a soft " I've already done it, the blast that Voltron took must have put all of you in a Omegaverse.

Keith you're a omega, you'll need a alpha to help guide you and become your mate, you'll also have heats. Which is like a girls menstrual cycle, but no blood. Your also able to get pregnant but you still have guy features.

Lance and Shiro you're Alphas you dominate omegas and are stronger. You have to find a mate before 60 or you will die. You have to help your omega during their heat.

Pidge and Hunk you guys are betas, normal and nothing changes except that your voice may start to crack again." I suddenly jump in.

" CORAN, CAN YOU CHANGE ME INTO AN ALPHA? IS THAT POSSIBLE? PLEASE? I DON'T WANT TO BE ASSUMED WEAK!!!". Coran slowly nodded" I can't now it's just your way of life." Lance interrupted " We've angered the space emo, RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!". "SHUT UP LANCE I'M NOT FUCKING EMO ANYWAYS!" I spurted out.

"Are you on your heat already? Wow that's fa-" I shortly interrupted him " OK I'm going to do more research about this on Pidge's computer". " I SWEAR TO GOD SPACE EMO IF YOU GO ON MY COMPUTER, I WILL KILL YOU"

*~*~*~*Time Skip*~*~*~*

No ones POV

"Okay guys, I've found more data about this Omegaverse," Keith starts "Me being an omega, I can have dry heats and wet heats. Dry heats are more painful, but it doesn't hurt as much if I find an alpha. Lance and Shiro you being alphas you have more of command and different growls, only omegas will follow those commands though.

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, we all have 3 different scents. During a heat I'll have 4. If we smell each other and we're not mated it's considered rude and perverse." Keith ends with a breath for air.

Lance starts up " So what your saying is, that I'M ACTUALLY STRONGER THEN YOU KEITH". Keith scowls "Unfortunately, yes". " So we need to find a mate" Shiro says. Lance and Shiro stare directly at Keith. Shiro and Keith being gay. Lance being bi, and sexually frustrated.

How was that please give me feed back. Pretty sure it's terrible but I don't care. I'm going to try and update every 1-2 days.
485 words

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