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if your feeling depressed [or anything suicidal] come talk to me or a specialist!

No ones POV

Keith jumps on top of Lance. Obviously shocked by the action Lance doesn't kiss back. When Kieth pulls away hes embarrassed 1. Lance didn't kiss back 2. That kiss was in public in front of everyone.

Since everyone was shocked and staring at Keith he jumped up and ran to his room. Lance was shocked and felt sorry for Shiro.

Shiro saw his crush kiss his rival right in front of his eyes. Shiro sighed. " So is anyone going to go after Keith? He's in heat and you can tell hes really upset." Shiro asked.

"Why don't you? You seem to care a lot for him." Hunk asks confused, Pidge slaps hunk on the arm. "Your really dense when it comes to crushes! its obvious that Shiro and Lance both have a crush on Keith.

To make matters worse Keith knows about both of them! Maybe he just wanted revenge on Shiro since he was taken advantage of by him." Pidge ends with a sigh.


'IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT!' I keep repeating to myself well, beacsue I am. I kissed him (even though he was supposed to kiss me) and he didnt kiss back.

'That means he doesn't return your feelings' I shake my head to clear those thoughts. 'Wait, I overheard Shiro and Lance talking and Shiro said he liked me. So did, Lance but that's not the main focus. He said he liked me and I kissed his rival. IN FRONT OF HIS FACE. God I have to apologize. I'm so stupid. Lance and Shiro hate me now. 2/4 other paladins hate me now. Im not even useful. Why did Shiro even like me?' I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

Finally for what seemed years of running and crying I reach my bedroom. The door closes and I plop down on my bed. I never mentioned to anyone that I was suicidal. That's why I always wore the red jacket.

I stand up from my sitting position and walk to my bathroom. I look at the last draw and open it. 'My knife collection' I grab one of the knifes and take the jacket off. I always cleansed the blade with rubbing alcohol before cutting.

Just so it won't get infected. It also stings. I sliced my upper arm (a little lower then the inside of my elbow). This is because if someone sees my wrists they won't be suspicious.

'One more' I slice again. 'Another' I cut again. 'Again for good measure' I made sure this one was deep and I could really feel the burning of the rubbing alcohol. 'One more won't hurt anybody. Right?' And I cut again.

I hear a knock. 'Oh quiznak ' I'm coming in right now. It was Lance and Pidge. 'Shoot. Quickly clean up' I scramble to clean the blood off of my arm and the blade. My frantic movement made blood come out faster then normal.

'I feel light headed' Then the bathroom door opens. "...". The worst thing possible. Silence. Lance looked like he'd just been crying and Pidge look upset and shocked that I would do some dung like this.

"Guys... hear me ou-" and then all I could see was pitch black. I could hear Pidge screaming my name and Lance asking If I was ok. 'Of course not idiot. I can see black. Did I faint? Nah, probably just asleep'. After the thought ended I heard Pidge calling for Shiro to hurry and then I heard his voice.

I knew everyone was crying. Shiro's like a brother. Nothing more and nothing less. I love him. Just not in the way he wants. I hear Lance call my name and then he picks me up. I know it's him.

He has the scent of A sandy beach and apple crisp that just came out of the oven. Lance told me it was going to be ok. So I let out the breath I've been holding. I allow myself to fall asleep.

Should I stop here😈😈😈


Keith's POV
When I wake up I'm met with the image of, well, Lance. I look up. 'He's been crying' I look to the rest of the paladins.

'They were also crying. Everyone was crying because of me'. Lance sniffles before he starts talking. "Keith. I'm so glad your awake. I've missed you." I ask him how long I've been asleep.

"You've been in a coma for 8 days, 330 minutes, and 31 seconds." I slight chuckle at how he actually timed me. It was 5:30 (am) He looks down at me. "Can you walk?" I nod and stand up on my own. He takes my hand and I blush slightly.

"Follow me for a second princess." I pout. "I'm not a princess" He laughs. "Yeah, sure" Once we walk out of the room he says "Can I smell you." I nod. It's only fair that he smells me since I smelt him. "Mmmm... you smell of a fire, and Chocolate." I laugh. "It's probably because I love chocolate."

He asks me something again "What do I smell like?" My immediate response was "Like the beach, and of fresh apple crisp. Straight out of the oven. "Keith, what do you think of me." I blush and then answer.

"I love you. I love how your brown hair covers your cerulean and ultra-marine colored eyes. And how your light dusting of freckles makes you look like someone splattered paint on your face.I love your soft pink lips. I love your broad shoulders, and long legs. Most of all I love your heart. It's so kind and warm."

After I get done with my speech he leans down. "I love you too" He kisses me. Oh, how I wanted it to last forever. I melt into the kiss.

Unfortunately It couldn't last for all of eternity when I heard Pidge yell "GET A ROOM YOU TWO". I break the kiss and laugh. "So Keith will you do me the honor and be my boyfriend?". I ponder long enough just so Lance has a worried look on his face. "Of course." I jump into his arms hand he lifts me. I sit on his hips. "I love you" and I kiss him.

Did you like it? I tried so hard to get this published today. Go check out my Instagram -_.gayanimeships._
Word count: 1,093
Passed 1,000 words!

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