Happy Birthday Baby

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It's been awhile since I've last updated the story, so I'll make this chapter as long as possible. I'm just not in a good place mentally.

Also I changed the name 'Keith' to 'Lance' instead because it's his birthday. (7/28)

Hope you enjoy!


No One's POV

Keith collapses on the floor and everyone gasps. Lance, being the protective Alpha he is, rushes too his side and attempts to wake him up. Lance puts his Omega's head on his lap.

"Keith!" Lance whines "Keith wake up! Don't die on me buddy!"

Pidge runs up to Keith's side and goes to check his pulse. Lance growls at her but she ignores him.
She lets out a sigh.

"He just passed out from exhaustion. It's okay everyone. And Shiro," He whips his head up from Keith's body. "Don't fucking scare him like that again."

The Omega himself starts to wake. Everyone's eyes move to him. "Keith! My boy! Are you okay?" Coran yells twirling his luscious mustache.

Keith gives a thumbs up in response. Lance lets out a particularly dramatic sigh of relief.

"Keithy! I thought I twas going to loose youuu! Oh my, oh my! What if I did." The Alpha stands and starts to dramatically prance around the room.

"Oh my! What ever shall I do-" He stops. "Who's birthday is it?" Lance asks glancing around.

Everyone slowly catches on, of course Lance being the last to realize.

"waIT HOLY SHOOOOOT ITS MY BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU BEAUTIFUL MAN." The blue paladin finally yells and then proceeds to run around hugging and kissing himself.

Keith tries to get up and almost falls to the floor. Pidge swoops in and catches Keith. The boy turns his head back and gives Pidge a grateful looking smile.

Keith runs up to the self-loving Alpha and gives him a big kiss. Hunk chuckles.

"Okay everyone time for cake! It's Lance's favourite, red velvet with buttercream frosting." Lance lets out a 'WOO!' in delight.

Hunk lets out a light chuckle and goes to cut the cake. Pidge walks over to Shiro and they start talking about nonsense. Keith turns to Lance.

"Lance, when are we going to tell them?" Keith says in a shakey voice. Lance sighs.

"I don't know honey, but eventually the time will come."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay, well I think Hunk is done cutting the cake. I'm going to our room to grab the birthday present I forgot about. See you soon."
"Alrighty Keith, I'll try to save you a piece"
"You better!"
"God I love you." Lance says quietly.

Keith chuckles and heads towards the elevator. It would be faster to go by stairs, but he doesn't feel the need for speed.

He walks toward their shared bedroom and reaches toward the inside their closet. His hand grazes something 'oh so familiar' and he grabs it. His knife.

"I told Lance I wouldn't do this anymore." He murmurs to himself. Keith just sighs and puts it back into the closet.

He grabs the gift thats not-so-neatly-wrapped in blue striped wrapping paper. He looks down at his messy handwriting

hAppY birThdAY shArPSHOOter (*'︶'*)╯♡

Keith laughs at his careless and poorly drawn face. He just grabs it and starts heading toward the party. On the walk there, he can hear faint music playing.

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