You Have To Be Kidding

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Swearing, because it Keith.

Keith's POV

Hallelujah. More time with Lance. Butttt... Haha I said butt I know, funny.

Anyways, I'm still a cat. Sadly. Does Lance have a cat kink? Let's find out shall we.

We finally reached the bathroom. More like I was (at a walking pace) chased to the bathroom. By none other than, the king himself. Lance McClain.

I open the door and he follows me inside. He turns the shower on and sexily walks over to me. Damn.

He lifts my shirt over my head. And winks at me.

DAMN IT!!!!!!

I pull my clothing off and ignore him. I step into the shower. I now have a boner, thanks Lance.

"Hey babe." I turn my head to see Lance stepping into the shower. I nod in acknowledgement.

"Happy Birthday." Lance says with a hint of cockiness.

"Turn around so I can see the marks I gave you last night." Lance shakily complies. He turns around and-

"LANCE. What are these?!?" I point to the scratches on his upper arms and back. "Your scratches?".
I growl at him.

"These aren't mine." I lean in to take a better sniff. "Who's scent is that!?!" I ask spitting venom in my words.

"Uhh...I don't know?" Lance responds scratching the back of his head. I turn the shower off.

"That's a females scent you ass. The only other girl on the ship is Pidge. Unless you hooked up with her before we mated. BUT WE WERE STILL DATING. KNOWING YOU, YOU PROBABLY F**KED AN ALIEN!"   I screech at him with the slowly dampening towel around my waist.

"DID YOU F**KING CHEAT ON ME?" I ask. I stomp out of the bathroom with only a towel on. My boner has died down, so we're good.

I run to my room, faster then sonic. I start breaking down, crying. I hear knocking.

"GO AWAY LANCE!" I yell. "Keith? It's me Shiro." He says with a hint of concern in his voice.  "If it's only you, you can come in." He lets out a sigh and enters.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" He asks taking a seat on the bed. I nod "I think Lance cheated on me with a female alien when we were dating. We weren't mates yet though." He sighs.

"Keith I think it's best for you to just leave him alone. It's for your own sanity." I nod. I hug him still in my towel.

"Keith! Your still wet...ugh." I chuckle. "Sorry Shiro." He lets out yet another sigh. "You should probably get dressed. You could catch a cold." I laugh.

"Ok, Space Dad." He leaves my room and I grab clothes. (Pic above is what he's wearing.)

I put my clothes on and go to meet the team out in the living area. I look and see Lance. He's been crying.

"Listen Keith, let me explain-" I cut him off. "I don't wanna hear it Lance! You cheated on me." I scoff.

I get up and walk readily close to his face. "Listen here, take these words and shove it up your dick. Because that's obviously what you use to listen." His eyes are wide.

"You obviously don't care about me. If you did, you wouldn't have cheated. It's pretty simple." I finish. Lance takes a deep breath in.

"I'm sorr-" This time Pidge interrupts. "Lance don't finish that sentence." I get up and storm off.

Lances POV

He saw straight (haha) through my façade. Crap.

I'm speechless, for the first time. I have tears rolling down my already red cheeks and puffy eyes. I faintly whisper while clutching my heart.

"I love you Keith...It was an honest mistake...come back...I need you..."

Bow! I did it, I updated, I'm cool! Also....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPACE EMO!!! ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤
October 23 2018

This chapter is short, sorry. Also, sorry for the angst.
Word Count: 655


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