Resist the Temptaion

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No ones POV

"Pidge! How did you get a hippo plushie that big! *gay gasp* It's so soft too!" Keith says as he pounces on the stuffed animal that is the same size as him.

"Keith buddy you have to stay still. I need to clean you up." Hunk says in his motherly tone. Keith nods still holding onto the hippo toy like some sort of lifeline.

As soon as Lance and Shiro walk in they notice Keith. Just sitting there live a school girl (he is one). Giggling. Oh how the two Alphas loved the girlish giggles.

Lance was the first one to intrude on the cuddle fest. "So, Keith... are you ok? What's running through your mind?". Keith stops what he's doing and looks up.

"Umm...guys, I'm still in heat." Shiro and Hunk suggest that Keith go back to his room and lock the door. Lance and Pidge vote to have Keith stay out here so that they can learn to resist the sweet temptation.

"Keith. What are you going to choose?" Pidge asks. "Well... I could go with the safe option and go in my room and hide. But, whats the harm of having fun. I'll choose option number 2." Everyone agrees with his decision.

All of the paladins get up and go sit into the lounge/ living room. "Guys! What if we played truth or dare!" Pidge asks squealing. Everyone nods in Agreement.

"Hey Pidge, do you happen to have any pain killers? For the cramps I mean. Luckily I'm not producing anymore slick." Keith whispers to Pidge before the game starts. She nods and gets up.

When she comes back she has 2 pain killers in her hand. Pidge smiles and hands him water. Keith takes the pills and the game begins.

"Lance, truth or dare?" Hunk asks. "Hmmm.. I choose Dare!" Lance says almost to enthusiastically. "Ok then, I dare you to dance to 'Shakira's Hips Don't Lie' for 1 minute straight." Hunk adds a 'hmph' for effect.

"Easy, because these hips don't lie." Lance points to his hips and winks at Keith. The poor omegas face turns a deep pink, different then his normal pale complexion. So it's very noticeable.

Hunk starts the music. After the music ends Lance starts up. "Shiro, truth or dare?" Lance says with his sh¡t eating grin. "Truth. I'm defiantly not dancing.". "Ok then... Shiro who's your crush? Say the name." Immediately Shiro face turns a crimson red.

" You know Lance!" The older Alpha exclaims. "Hmm... no I don't!" Lance says with a laugh " Didn't I tell you to say the name?" "Fine, fine, ...Keith" he mutters the last words under his breath.

"Hmm? I can't hear you!" Lance says taunting Shiro. "ITS KEITH" Shiro lashes out at Lance causing Keith to whimper.  Lance 100% ignores Shiro and goes to Keith because of his whimper and pheromones.

Pidge calms down Shiro while, Lance lets out a therapeutic scent to calm Keith. "You guys ok with playing the game still?" Lance asks. Everyone nods. "Keith, Truth or Dare" Pidge asks. He hugs his hippo closer. "Dare."

He speaks with confidence but Lance and Pidge knew it was fake and he was scared. "Ok I dare you to sit in Lances lap." Both Keith and Lance blush. Keith gets up and plops himself into Lances lap still embracing the stuffed creature. "Lance, Truth or Dare?"

Pidge asks. "Dare" He says with a bored tone. Much different then his original idea of the game. "Kiss Keith." Pidge states as she starts smiling. Again, Keith and Lance blush. Lance decides to just To it so he pulls Keith in for a kiss then.....

Cliffhanger! 😈😈😈
Sorry I had to leave you dangling on a ledge! Please feel free to criticize me, I don't care. Sorry it took so long to update but did you like it? And, WE HIT 2k READS! Don't forget that if you send in homemade fan art you'll get a shout out!
Word count: 667 (we dodged a bullet there 😂)

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