Here We Go Again

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Keith's POV

After we had our second round, yes perverts I'm not sharing that one with you, we climbed out of  the closet.

Haha, very funny. Coming out of the closet again.

Slowly, I limp to my room. Lance following behind, staring at my ass. Again? Oh lord.

"Lance? Can you not stare at my ass? It's making me extremely uncomfortable." I snarl.

"Woah Keithy boy, calm down.
There's no need to talk back. You didn't mind me staring at your ass when we-" Lance was interrupted.

"When you what?" Pidge intervened. She giggled a bit.
I gasped. "You did not." She chuckled. "Oh I did."

Lance sits there with a confused face. "What did she do?" I sigh. God damn it Lance. Your such a dumbass.

Pidge laughs. "You mean you don't remember when you scream out 'Keith-" I stop her. "Lance, she listen to us. In the closet."

Lance stops dead in his tracks. "You better delete those." I look away from Lance and I turn to Pidge. She has a bloody nose.

Soooo surprising. (Note my sarcasm.)

I groan. "Pidge, before you bleed out, go plug up your nose." Pidge dismisses me and starts to walk away. Lance yells when she walks away,

"And get rid of those videos!"

—————Time Skip—————
(The Next Morning)

Keith's POV

Oh god, I feel so sick.

It can't be pregnancy, but I'm going to take a test, just in case.
Luckily, I got some tests when we last went to the space mall.
I pee on it and wait.

I start biting my nails in a anxious manner. What if it comes out positive? What will the team think? What will Lance think? Will I be able to be a paladin of Voltron still? Will Shiro disapprove of me? I check the clock. 10 minutes have passed.

Shakily, I reach out and grab it. Negative. I let out a sigh. I throw the test in the bin, and walk out. Finally, time to start the day.

I yeet some clothes onto my body. Since I'm not feeling too well, I choose comfortable. Black ripped jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. What? It's comfortable.

I walk out into the common room. Everyone whips their head towards me. I give them a look of question. Pidge snickers, "Keith go check in the mirror." I sigh.

When I look into the mirror, I see hickeys. I growl "LANCE! I SWEAR TO GOD I TOLD YOU NOT TO!" I storm back into the room.

I deadpan. I shoot Lance a dirty look. He anxiously laughs. I sigh, I walk up to him and pull his ear. I pull him into the corridor. "Again? Really? I told you not to! It would be very noticeable, and everyone would look." I growl.

Lance nervously chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to, it was my instincts taking over. Again, I'm sorry." He stops. I growl again.

"I'm not forgiving you. No, sex for a week. And that's final." I scoff and pull his ear again. I drag him back into the room.

"Now, I'm going to change." I walk back into my room and change into a turtle neck. I walk back out and sit down. It was awkwardly quiet and then Pidge started up. "I bet Lance got a talking to. Anyways, Keith, you smell weird. It's not your normal scent." I sigh.

"Yeah, I think I have a stomach bug. I'll be okay though. Just to be safe, I took a pregnancy test and it said negative." She nods.

"At least your not pregnant (Pregenanant). That would have been hard considering your the best one with a sword here." I chuckle. "Yeah I guess your right."

There was a pause, "Keith, would you like to sleep over in my room? We can play video games, eat chocolate, and more?!" Pidge asks with a happy glint in her eyes. "Sure!" I chuckle. She raises her hand and gives herself a high five.

Oh boy, was I in for a looong night.

Did you guys like the chapter? Sorry I didn't update for awhile, I've been very busy. Thanks so much for reaching 70k views on a trashy story. It helps my self confidence a lot. Remember you can talk to me if you want . Don't be shy, someone decided to and I helped them. Well, tried.
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Art IG: trashygaydrawings
Words: 750

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