Someone... HELP!

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It's been a week since Shiro came to apologize. Ever since then the team has been acting unusual. When I walk in the room everyone says that I should 'stop wearing so much cologne '. I always tell them I'm not wearing any, but they don't believe me. Allura and Coran say they don't smell it but the rest of the team does.

Hunk had said that the smell had gotten stronger the closer you got to me. " Guys, stop being rude I'll go in my room and find out what's wrong" I say. With that I walk into my room, and go onto Pidge's computer that I took from her. I look up in the search bar 'Why do omegas have such a strong smell' and I hit enter.

It comes up with a few different things. I click on the first website it shows. I read "Omegas may have a strong scent for a certain amount of time due to heats. Heats occur for 1 week every month" So this is what Coran was talking about "Omegas can have dry heats and wet heats. The wet heats produce Slick which is used as a lubricant for mating. Dry heats produce no slick and are very painful. Wet heats can hurt but, they're less painful." Ok well I guess I'm going into heat. " Alpha's, Beta's can smell your scent but other Omega's can't."

I should stay my room it says that Alphas instincts go crazy during a heat due to pheromones. I walk out of my room to tell the rest off crew what's happening with me. After I get done with explaining, Lance asks " So, we will be driven by our instincts into mating with you?". "Yes Lance, that's why I'm going to be in my room so no one will mate me."

I respond with slight annoyance. Lance and Shiro give each other looks. Looks that would kill. After I finish talking I head back to my room. When I get in I feel this pain in my stomach and I start sweating intensely. I guess my heat is starting earlier then I thought. I walk to my computer and sit.

I open my computer it says to relive pain you must masterbate. Well great. I feel something start to drip and I know it's not sweat. I think it's blood but how would I be bleeding? I go check in the mirror. It's Slick. This will be a long night.

I just made new stories  called " I need your services Klance AU" and "Broken Skin Klance AU" and you guys should check it out ☺️
Word Count: 442

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