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No Ones POV

After Pidge had calmed Keith down, he showed up for dinner. Shiro had made direct eye contact and then looked away, blushing.

I look towards Lance. Once he notices me he gets up and runs over. "Keith! Buddy! Are you ok? Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?SHIRO YOUR A DEAD MAN"

Lance says in a motherly kind of tone. Allura steps in before anything can get physical "Ok! Keith tell me what happened so I can help you. What did you do to Shiro!". "Allura calm down and give him time to talk" Pidge says then takes me over to the table to sit. "Everyone sit down!"

Pidge says. Since no one wants to get on her bad side they do as their told.

"Ok, Keith tell them what happened." Pidge says with a sigh. Keith starts talking "You guys have to promise to not get upset." Everyone nods their head.

After they agree Keith tells them what happened. When Keith is done talking everyone just sits in silence. Allura is the first one to start. " So what your telling me is that Shiro likes Keith and Not ME?!" She gets up in rage and grabs Keith by the collar.

"Listen here buddy SHIRO IS MINE NOT YOURS! MINE." Keith tries to get away from her grasp but it turns out that he was unsuccessful.

She shoves him to the floor and gets on top of Keith (of course he's bottom). She throws repeated punches. Then Allura stops. Everyone's eyes go to Keith who has blood dripping out of his nose and bruises and scratches.

(Kinda like the picture above but he's not screeching like a banshee).

Lance runs to help Keith up. Pidge stands up and also runs to help Keith. Allura gets off of Keith and goes to Shiro. " Oh I'm sorry darling!~ I wish you didn't see that~". (Yandere Much?)

"Get off of me you witch!" Shiro says in his 'dad voice'. Allura stands there in shock. Keith's finally able to talk again. " Someone...*breath* get her to the...cells". Shiro and Lance stand up. "C'mon darling~ he had it coming!"

Shiro puts his hand over her mouth and ties her hands behind her back. "Kinky!" Allura states through Shiro's hand. Lance and Shiro escort her out. Pidge and Hunk run over to Keith. Hunks inviting voice starts again. " Coran, can you get a medical kit?"

Pidge helps Keith over to a chair, while Coran hand Hunk the medical kit. "Hunk wait a second, I'll be right back. I have something for Keith." Pidge says and leaves the room. "Ok then"

Moments later Pidge walks back into the room holding something. Keith's eyes immediately light up and he starts blushing. "Pidge! How did you get that in space. It's so big too". "I know, I know. I'm the best person alive." They say with a snarky tone.

Cliffhanger! How was the drama?
Don't forget you can send me fan art. I'll post it and shout you out! Can you guys guess what Pidge was holding?
Word count: 517

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