Stay away from Lance!

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No Ones POV
"So your saying I'm going into something called rut?" Lance asked with a shake of his head.

"Yes Lance, it was triggered by Keith's Heat. Which he is still in for about 2-3 more days." Pidge say while staring at her computer screen. "So that means, that Lance has to stay away from Keith and Keith has to stay away from Lance." Hunk says in a wary tone.

Lance looks down in sadness. After not speaking for awhile Keith talks "It's not your fault Lance, It's just the weird beam that the Galra used." Lance looks to Pidge "Did you find out a way to reverse what ever the heck we're in?" Pidge sighs.

"Unfortunately not. But, it was the reason to why Lance changed his emotions so quickly earlier." Keith changes the subject. "I heard you guys were going on a mission tomorrow. But I can't go because I'm in heat. So doesn't that mean Lance can't go?" Keith says the second to last part in a mocking tone.

"Yes it does." Shiro interrupts. "But Lance has to promise that he won't go anywhere near you, Keith. If he does and he starts hurting you, then we'll give him a shock collar. So you can shock him at anytime." Shiro finishes the last part with a glare at Lance

"Anyways, since we've eaten dinner, lets go to sleep." Shiro says with a yawn. "You got it dad!" Lance says almost too enthusiastically. Shiro rolls his eyes. "Oh yeah, Pidge and Hunk we need to get up really early. Around 5am, so please set your timers." Shiro finishes while walking off to his bedroom.

Hunk and Pidge both walk away with a wave. "Here Lance, put this collar on. Keith here's the remote. Goodnight you two!" Coran says then walks away. Lance's immediate reaction was "Kinky!". Keith disapprovingly shakes his head. "Night, Lance". Keith walks off with a wave. Lance sighs. "One day, one day I will have him."

Time Skip

When Keith and Lance woke up, all of the other paladins were gone. Since Lance is supposed to stay away from Keith, Keith thought that he could dress in his preferred style. Feminine. Skirts,
Dresses, and crop tops. Don't forget a matching underwear set. Blue with pink flowers.  Yes Keith didn't have boobs but still, they're fun to wear. (Photo up above is what Keith is wearing). After Keith put on the outfit. He walked out of his room.

Keith's main objective was to not get seen by Lance. Lance's objective was to not do anything bad, so Keith wouldn't have to shock him.

Keith ran in his socks to the kitchen. He thought the faster that you go, the less of a chance you are to be seen. Once he had reached the kitchen, he slowed down to a walking pace.

Lance on the other hand, took his time. He brought his hand held mirror. So the entire time, he was staring at himself.

Lance didn't realize Keith was in the kitchen. Keith also didn't realize Lance's presence. Keith was going to walk back to his room when he felt himself bump against something hard 😉 and fall backwards. Lance also fell backwards on the impact.

Keith had landed with his legs open for the world to see. Or matter of fact, Lance. Keith's shirt also went off of his shoulder exposing part of his bra. Keith's space goo, had landed on himself and had made him super sticky. When Lance had looked up to see what he bumped into, his heart skipped a beat.

He saw Keith with his legs open. His blue with pink flowers, panties on show. His shirt was off of his shoulder. His red skirt was in a jumble. His knee high stockings were trying to cover his underwear. Keith quickly caught Lances eyes, and looked away. Keith and Lance both stood up. Lance let a low growl escape from his throat.

Keith cleared his throat. "Uhm, Lance can we just forget about this?" He asked pleading. "Lance...?" He looked at what Lance was looking at. A boner.
Lance quickly turn a bright red. Keith looked up at Lance with seductive eyes.

"Do you need any help with that?"

How was that? Did you like it? Anyone have any suggestions? Also is anyone's bored then they can message me at anytime! I doubt anyone actually reads these.
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Word count: 748
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