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Cutting Warning, and Fluff. Grab your tissues!!!

Keith's POV

I sneak into my room, with puffy red eyes and pink tinted cheeks. How could Lance do that to me?

Why would he cheat? Am I not good enough? Who am I kidding, I'm obviously not good enough.

I sneak into the bathroom. Lance and Shiro finally trust me with a razor. For 'mustache shaving purposes'.

Oh boy were they wrong.

I go through my normal procedure of cleaning the blade off and stuff. Who wants to have face hairs in their cuts? No one.

I take my pants off. I start slicing my thigh. Oh sweet relief. I check to see if the door is locked. I don't want a repeat of the previous events.

As if I'm an artist, I start writing a word into my leg.


Ah, sweet sweet pain. After another 3 minutes I finish and clean off the blade. I jump into the shower. I didn't fully clean out, so I continue to clean myself out.

Time Skip

Lances POV

I messed up.

Why did I cheat on him you ask? Well, I was drunk on an alien planet. I wasn't in my right mind.

How do I apologize? Do I just say I'm sorry? Do I give him something?

Pidge and Hunk have been giving me the cold shoulder, every since he figured out. I mean, he was screaming, so why wouldn't they here.

I have to do it. I walk out of my room, and head to Mullet's room. I knock on it.

"What is it, Lance?" Comes a small voice on the other side of the thick door.

Damn, he knows it's me. I sigh "I've come to explain." He chuckles. "Oh really, come to explain why you fu*cked another person. LET ALONE A GIRL?" He screeches.

"Yes Keith, I have." He laughs. "Ok McClain, you can come in."
When I walk in I'm met with an upsetting sight. Keith sucking Shiro off- Nah just kidding.


Keith's laying down on his bed tears streaming down his face. His eyes are red and puffy. His eyelashes are matted together by his tears. He has no pants on- Mierda. (Spanish)

I can see all the new cuts and old scars on his leg. He looks down and chuckles. "You like them? Because I do..." He says, voice cracking.

"No Keith... I hate them. You need to stop. It's not good for you. Keith, your not worthless."

"Really, what have I done to help the team..." For once I'm speechless. "See, you've proven my point."

Then comes a long awkward silence. No shuffling. No sounds to be heard. Then I breathe in.

"It's not just about that Keith! I love you! I was drunk on an Alien planet when I cheated! I didn't mean it. You've made my life so much better then it already was. Shiro loves you, Pidge loves you, Hunk loves you, and I love you! Your my lifeline. If you died I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I would be utterly useless! Do you need for me to spell it out for you? I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U!"

I'm left breathless, so is Keith. He stands up, just to fall on his knees, crying. I rush over to him. "I love you too idiot! Your the best thing that's ever happened to me! I guess I was just blinded by jealousy...I'm sorry."

Keith's POV

Why must I love this idiot? He's so perfect. After his speech, which I loved, I tried to stand to hug him. I couldn't.

I fell to my knees, crying. All that I hear before I black out from being tired is..."Keith, I love you, but you need to quit..."

Eh? How was it? It definitely wasn't my best work...I could be better. If you can, go check out my other stories! Send me fan art too!
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Word count: 681

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