Open Up Keith

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Keith's POV
Once I woke up from my nap. I was utterly confused. Until I heard banging on the door. Crap they found me. I sigh and get up. I open the door and there stands all of the paladins plus Coran. I sigh again.

"What do you guys want." I say with a pissed tone. "Well, you stormed off on us and we didn't know where you were. So don't use that tone. Also-" I interrupt Shiro. "Yeah ok, I'm gonna close the door now so just-" Lance emits a low growl which causes me to stop halfway. He pushes the rest of the door out of the way. He slowly walks to me and I walk away. Once he backs me against a wall I let out a cry for help. It seems to get Shiro and Pidge's attention but, they both dismiss the sound.

"So... Keith" Lance starts to say and I turn to face him. "Care to explain why you got up and ran away?" I nod a slow 'no'. He sighs "I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way." I just stare back at him. He quickly brings his hand up, then he brings it down on my face. Harshly. I let a small scream out in pain. I hear the rest of the group gasp. I look down at the floor.

I hear someone's footsteps and then Pidge's voice. "Lance. Do NOT slap Keith. He doesn't want to open up to us yet." I hear Lance sigh. A single tear falls from my eye. Lance goes to cup my face, but I wince and slide my back down the wall. (So he's sitting against the wall). Lance looks down. "Keith I'm-" I cut him off.

"If you were sorry then you wouldn't have done it in the first place. Pidge, thank you for stopping him. But seriously, you guys don't know what it's like to go through having to loose your family. To then be left alone for years." I continue along with the story. Once I'm done telling them what happens when I'm alone, they just stare. Mouths open. " If your not careful a bug might fly into your mouth." I laugh trying to lighten the mood. I works just a little bit.

"So Keith, can we see the scars from the cuts.?" Lance asks politely. I nod and take my shirt off. Lance and Shiro blush. Pidge gasps. "Dude you have a 6-pack and you didn't tell me!" I laugh.

Then I turn my arms around and show everyone my 'work' that I've done over the years. They gasp.

"Keith I'm so sorry. I didn't know what you were going through. If you every need to talk to me. Just ask." Lance says almost immediately after. Everyone nod their head in agreement. Then Lance scoffs. "Also not bad but I can do better." Lance takes his shirt off revealing a 8-pack. I gasp.

"How!? You never train and you always eat too much." I ask with so much curiosity it's unbearable. He looks over to me "Metabolism, Baby" and he points finger-guns at me. I scoff and roll my eyes.
"There's the Keith we know and love."

Yeah I know him, but I definitely don't love him.

Sorry this chapter is so short. Don't forget to send me fan art!
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Pinterest: 0RedPlusBlue0 (its zeros not 'o's)
Word count: 577

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