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^^^^I love this picture^^^^
There will be lime (teasing but no smut) in this chapter
Keith's POV

"Do you need any help with that?" I stare at lance with a serious face. He clears his throat.
"Nope, I'm good. I'll just be right back" He heads towards the bathroom. I yell after him "I'm going to be in the theatre!" (Yes the have a theatre in the castle. Don't judge me).

He responds with a muffled "Ok! I'll cya in there." I scoff. Of course he's gonna follow me. Tch. Possessive Alpha's am I right?

Since he's in rut, he pheromones are super strong. Which also means, I'm on the "needier" side. If you catch my drift.

I'll need a movie to keep my mind off of the strong scent. When we went to the space mall I picked up some movies from Earth. So I get 'Star Wars Return Of The Jedi' out. I have to wait for Lance's approval of the movie so I wait.

After awhile he comes in. "Sorry about that Keith. What movie did you pick?" He avoids eye contact. "I picked 'Star Wars Return Of The Jedi'." He nods in approval.

Lance's POV (bet ya didn't see that coming!)

Darn it! He noticed I had a 'problem' and even offered to help. Why didn't I accept? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

After I dealt with my problem I meet Keith in the theatre. I ask what movie he picked he said 'Star Wars Return Of The Jedi' . I just nodded in approval. We sit down. When Keith bends forward to put the movie in, I see the most godly sight.

His skirt flipped up.

I could see his perfect ass. The panties he's wearing is gripping it perfectly. Then I look down. I'm hard again. I cross my legs in an attempt to hide it. Stupid Rut.

When Keith is done putting in the movie he looks towards me. He asks if I was ready. I'll be asking you that later tonight. NO STOP IT GAY THOUGHTS!

I nod and mumble a quick 'yes'.
He sits back and the movie starts playing.

For the first couple of minutes I just watch the movie. Then I look over to Keith to see that he is sweating, and panting really wildly. I look down and guess what, nothing improved in 'that' region.

No Ones POV

Keith's attention was brought over to Lance. Keith now had a 'problem' too. He looked him up and down. He then turned his attention back to the movie. Not noticing Lance's frequent looks at him.

Once the movie was over Keith got up and turned on the lights. He then turned around and walk back to Lance. Keith got to see Lance in the light now. He looked him up and down. He noticed a tent in Lances pants.

He caught Lance's glare and then look down at his pants. Lance stood up, clearing his throat.

Keith was having none of that. He pulled Lance back down on the couch they were sitting on. Keith crawled on top of Lance. Keith tells Lance.

"Your such a weirdo. You really do like the way I'm dressed."

Sorry if this chapter was rushed
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Word Count: 545

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