You know...

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(Smut? Lime? Also I edited that picture, I didn't make the art but still.)
Keith's POV

Lance clears his throat before speaking. "You know Keith... if you keep acting like that, I can't (and won't) hold back." Lance ends with a smirk.

I blush but grind on Lance's leg. I moan. Immediately I cover my mouth and blush even harder.

Lance lets out a chuckle. "You know, I like those beautiful sounds." I stop what I'm doing.

I say in a deep voice. "I know". I can physically feel Lance shiver.

I let out a laugh. "Keith? Are you sure you want to continue this?" Lance avoids eye contact after saying that. I playfully slap his cheeks.

I squish Lance's cheeks together. "I'm positive." Then I kiss him. Lance's eyes light up. Then he lets out a possessive growl.

(Smut time! Skip if you don't want to read)

No Ones POV

Lance flips Keith over so that he's on one of the movie theater couches. Lance attacks Keith's neck (every time he sucks/bites he holds it down for 5-6 seconds).
Keith lets out a short moan. Immediately, Lance knows it his "weak spot".

Keith lets his pheromones run free. Lance takes a deep breath in. Lance lets out more dominant pheromones then the omega.

The (proven!) stronger of the two lifts up the smaller males shirt, read along the rosy buds hidden underneath. Lance lets out a small laugh then gets to work.

Lance sucks on the right one while his hand is twiddling the left one. Keith lets out a small gasp when Lance's warm mouth was put around his nipple.

Lance pulls away with a 'pop!'. The Alpha hears Keith pant "room...lets go to my room...". Lance chuckles and picks Keith up.

While walking to the room they hear the other paladins return from their mission. Lance whispers to Keith "Pretend your asleep". Keith nods and puts his head on Lance's shoulder, while Lance's left hand was on his bottom.

They see Pidge, Shiro, and Hunk walking down the hallways. They stop walking. "Hey Lance, why are you carrying Keith? Why is he dressed like that?" Hunk asks in a kind tone.

Lance laughs. Oh how that laugh was music to Keith's ear. "It's because this dork, fell asleep during a movie we were watching. So I'm going to take him back to his room. Oh, and we also played truth or dare."

In the middle of talking, Keith gets a genius idea. To tease Lance. Keith slowly but surely brings his hand over to Lance's left nipple. He runs his hand over it.

Lance sucks in a deep breath of air. "So how was your mission?" He asks not really wanting to know, but to be polite. Shiro laughs " Good enough. Well Keith looks pretty heavy so, I guess you should go put him to bed."

Keith pinches Lance's hard bud. Lance squeaks like one of the space mice. Pidge gives Lance a confused look but he dismisses it.

Lance sighs. "Yeah, he's pretty light but I guess this isn't the most comfortable position. Well, I'll be going now!" Lance lets out a wave then walks away.

After they turn the corner Lance lets out a growl. "What the hell Keith?" The latter raises his head. "What was what? I have no clue what your talking about." He laughs. Lance starts "Oh that's it. Tonight your spine is going to be dissolved." Keith gulps.

Lance picks up the pace. Both boys have visible "problems".
Once they reach Keith's room, Lance opens the door, and throws Keith on the bed and locks the door behind him.

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