Please Stop...

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Also the pictures doesn't mean anything I just like it♥️

Keith's POV

After awhile of taking care of 'business' I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I say quietly.

When the door opens up it reveals Shiro. He takes one step and suddenly his eyes flash a bright purple. "Shiro? Are you ok?" I ask with my head slightly tilted to my right. Instead of responding he pounces on me and let's out a gravelly growl.

"GUYS!! SOMEONE HELP. PIDGE, HUNK, LANCE, ALLU-" Shiro stops me from yelling my placing cloth in my mouth. Shiro takes off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers.

He takes off my clothes. Leaving me naked. Butt naked. He grabs my wrists and ties them behind my back. Shiro kisses my neck down to my v-line. I still let out muffled screams. It's no use. "Hey Keith... Hunk told me to come get you for dinner. He made your favorite. Space Spaget-" Lance walks in on me and Shiro.

I manager to make out a muffled "HELP!". Lance runs over to me and pulls me away from Shiro. Leaving him unsatisfied. Lance takes the cloth out of my mouth and unties me.

"LANCE. THANK GOD YOU SAVED ME! SHIRO ALMOST RAPED ME" I pant. "I understand why. He was sent to get you for dinner. Like I was. But I guess the thick scent of you drove him crazy." Shiro suddenly snaps out of his trance.

"Keith, why are you naked? Lance, why are you holding him?". Lance snaps. "ITS BECAUSE YOU TRIED TO FRICKKIN RAPE HIM! I WALKED IN JUST IN TIME!". Silence. Absolute silence. " Keith I'm-". I stop him. " 1. Shiro it will take me time to adjust to being around you but I understand. It was just your instincts 2. IM BUTT NAKED CAN YOU GUYS GIVE ME PRIVACY"

I throw a book at each of their heads while I cover myself with my hands. Luckily they dodge the books that were thrown. Lance and Shiro exchange death glares, then turn their attention back to me. Looking me up and down.

"LEAVE!" I scream. Lance emits a low growl them leaves. Shiro puts his clothes back on and leaves. His head down. I put my clothes back on and just sit on my bed and pull my knees up to my chest.

'I can't believe that just happened. Shiro did it too. Him of all people. The one I trust the most."

I just start sobbing. Pidge happened to be walking by and heard me. I hear the lightest tap on my door. There stood Pidge. Great. "KEITH! Your crying? What's wrong? Who hurt you?"

I laugh. "Pidge if I tell you you can't tell anyone. Ok?" She nods her head, walks into my room (closing the door behind her), and sits down on my bed.

She motions for me to start. So I spill the tea. I tell her every thing. When I'm done she pulls me into an embrace.
"Everything will be ok"

I hope so...

How was it? I tried really hard.
Sorry it's so short
Word count: 532

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