How Long...?

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Past Keith's POV

The day after I slept in Pidge's room I felt really weird.

Not in the way you're thinking, well probably, but a dreadful feeling. Like something bad was going to happen. Something that would effect the Team.

So, instead of talking about it, I just pushed it deep down, so it almost touched my ass. And I would really learn to regret that decision...

Present Keith's POV

After Pidge and I's 'Night of No Sleep', as she likes to call it, I walk into the kitchen. As usual, Hunks in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey Hunk!" I say with a unusually happy tone. He replies with "Hey Buddy, good to see ya! I heard a lot of squeals from Pidge's room last night! Hey, if you don't mind me asking, why are you so cheery?" I laugh. "To be honest, Hunk, I don't really know!" I add a little giggle at the end.

He nods. "Keith, I'm making calzones, would you like one?" I clap. "Of course Hunk! I would love one! Your cooking is the best!" Now I understand what Hunk is saying about me being happy.

Hunk chuckles and mutters a 'thanks'. He takes a breath in. "Alright bud. I'll come and get you when they're done. Lance was missing you all last night. You should go and talk to him." I nod in agreement. I guarantee he's in his room, wallowing in sadness.

I knock on his door and it opens up. I give the door a death glare...wait, why? It literally did nothing to me. Doesn't mAtTeR.

Lance looks up to me like a lost dog had just found it's owner.
I lightly chuckle as he runs up and hugs me.

"Lance! I literally was gone a night! I was in the castle too." I start with an airy laugh.
"Well yeah, but still. Wait...why do you smell different?" Lance asks with caution in his voice.

I smile, looking up at the boy. "I was talking to Hunk, and I was in Pidge's room all night. No need to get alarmed" Lance lets out a sigh.

"Babe, thats not it. I-It's not their scents. Is there a chance that you could be pregnant?" Lance looks me directly in the eye. I uncomfortably shift my legs.

"Lance, listen. I already took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. So there's no need to worry." I state with false confidence. He seems to notice my façade.

"Keith, how long did you wait for it. The pregnancy test, I mean."
"I don't know, about 2 minutes?"
Lance deadpans.

"Baby, your supposed to wait about 10 minutes, after you took the test." Lance states, calmly rubbing circles on my shoulders.

"Oh shit."

Its been along time, ehhh?
Sorry for the really late update. I've been busy, and my spring break started today. How have you guys been? Also, my birthday is tomorrow. For my Homestuck fans, Happy 4/13! Feel free to message me anytime, for anything
This is unedited, sorry.
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Word Count: 515

Stay Happy!

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