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Gore? Idk.

No Ones POV

When Keith and Lance wake up their met with the sound of laughter. Almost as is they had timed it, they opened their eyes.

When Lance sat up he was met with the face of a laughing Pidge, disappointed looking Hunk, and Shiro with red eyes.

When Keith sat up. He mewled in pain. Like a full on cat meow. That caught everyone's attention. Especially Lance's.

Keith doubled over in pain, and Lance chuckled. Pidge laughed like a psycho. "I guess we know who bottomed last night." Shiro let out a soft sniffle. "Hunk you owe her $50." Hunk groaned. Pidge laughed.

Keith finally spoke up "5..0... for.. wh..at?" His eyes widened. Lance knew that his voice was strained from all of the screaming last night.

Keith came to that realization shortly after Lance did. "Hey ... guy...we... Naked... still" Everyones faces turned red.

"Yeah sorry we will leave you to get dressed". Shiro explained. "And Keith, don't strain your hips too much. Don't forget to take a shower both of you." Lance laughs. "SEPARATELY!" Shiro interrupts his laughing fit before exiting the room.

Lance sighs. "Ok Keith, you go clean yourself up. Please be gentle, ok? After that I'll go in and and get dressed. Don't forget to brush your mullet!" Keith blushes.

Since Keith is changing, Lance is cleaning the bedroom and singing 'Hips Don't Lie'.

-Time Skips Because I Can, Ok?-


No Ones POV

Once Lance and Keith are dressed, they make their way out into the living room. Everyone seems to be in there. "Hey...where...aspirin?" Keith asks anyone who's willing to respond.

Hunk and Pidge are in there own World. "Keith, were in space. There's no pain meds." Shiro says sighing. Keith clears his throat.

"Yeah, sorry." Keith's throat has been feeling better but it's still raspy.

Lance sighs. Shiro and Keith turn to him. "What's wrong dad-LANCE. WHATS WRONG LANCE?" Keith yells for no reason.

Lance laughs. "You almost called me dadd-" Shiro clamps a hand over Lances mouth to stop his chattering.

"We save that talk for the bedroom, right Lance?" He nods. Keith let's out a warning growl.

No ones allowed to touch what's his. No. One.

Shiro and Lance both respond. Lance with a reassuring growl, and Shiro with a angry growl. Suddenly Keith whines, both boys look to the person behind him.


She placed a collar on Keith. She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks. Keith let's out a blood curdling scream. He's pricked with little needles that were in him for a millisecond.

Shiro and Lance just stare. Pidge and Hunk made their way to Pidge's room awhile ago.

Allura grabs a knife and brings it to her chest. "I love you Shiro!" She says with a psychopathic voice. The brings the sharps blade through her chest.

Keith try's to stand up but falls into Shiro's lap. "Woah... Keith...What's wrong?" Keith looks up to Shiro.

Both Taller boys gasp. "What happened to you Keith?"

Hehe Cliffhanger. Sorry it's so short. I'll be posting more often now. I just didn't have the time.
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Word Count: 531

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