Mew Mew, bish.

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Contains blood, lime, and watered down Kidge (Keith+Pidge).

Both Taller boys gasp. "What happened to you Keith?"

No Ones POV

Keith just looked at the two boys, utterly confused. What was wrong with him?

Shaking, Lance pulled a mirror out of his pocket. Because, he's snazzy. That's why.

He held it up to Keith's face and...


Lance's POV

Why? Why would Allura make him a cat? Then it clicked.

Shiro was a dog person. Yes! He hated cats, but he loved dogs. Allura thought that if Keith turned into a cat, and she turned herself into a dog. (Well, would have if she wasn't dead.) That Shiro would like her more.

No Ones POV

Lance just sat there speechless. Until he took a deep breath in and decided to tell everyone his theory.

When Lance was done explaining why, Shiro finally speaks. "So what are we going to do with Allura? She's dead now and there's no reason to try and save her." Lance just sighs. "Well, I'm going to take a guess and say we let Coran decide."

Coran pops his head in the door. "What can I do for you gu-" he gasps. "What happened to the princess?!" He starts to tear up. "And what happened to Keith?"

Pidge takes a deep breath in and sighs. "She killed herself because Shiro was gay." Coran has tears rolling down his face into his very bushy mustache. "And why aren't you crying?" They all sigh. "No one really like her as much as you did Coran." Lance answers.

"Okay... but that still doesn't explain the fact that Keith's a cat." All of their heads turn to Keith. Who's just trying to get the collar off.

"KEITH! DON'T TOUCH THE COLLAR OR TALK!" Pidge demands. He looks confused but nods. "Why can't he remove it?"
Hunk laughs. "If he removes it blood might trickle down, so all we need to do is get Keith's shirt off."

Lance looks to Keith and winks. Keith just blushes like a tomato.
Shiro just lets out a sigh. "You guys are so dirty." Pudge snorts. "Keith was last night too."

Again, Keith blushes and nods 'no'. "Keith buddy, we could hear you." Hunk says laughing. "Ahem." Shiro clears his throat.
"Keith you heard Kat-Pidge, just take your shirt off." Lance emits a low growl, and lets out warning pheromones.

"Calm down sharpshooter. I'm not touching your boyfriend like that, I'm just trying to save him from bleeding out. Ok?" Pidge try's to explain. Lance sighs but nods.

Pidge gets up and walks towards Keith. She plops herself down on Keith's lap and wraps her legs around him. Lance, being the possessive Alpha he is, growls. But Pidge dismisses it with a flick of her wrist. (Hehehehe).

Once she gets the collar off, she stands up. "Ah," Keith lets out a purr. "That's so much better!" Lance laughs.

Keith realizes something. He never took a shower after last night. Keith stands up and sighs.
"Guys I'm going to go take a shower."

Again, Pidge snorts. "Hahaha, you never took a shower after last night. So that means Lance's "stuff" has been inside you for about 14-15 hours." Pidge winks.

Lance just blushes a furious red. He gets up and follows Keith. Shiro tries to stop Lance, but Pidge stops him. "Just let them be."

Shiro lets out a dad sigh. "Fine, but don't blame me if Keith can walk."

End of Chapter.
Did you like it? I think there might be smoot next chapter. Also, why is there so many comments on the other smoot chapter about Lance'a undies. They're fashionable!
Feel free to DM me anytime. Sorry this was late!
IG: _.ultimateyaoitrash._
Check out my other stories!
Word Count: 633


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