Stop Staring!

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Since Keith and Shiro were both gay, and I'm bi, it was EXTREMELY awkward. We just stood there staring. Since Keith was the only omega on bored and Shiro and I were Alphas we needed a mate.

So Keith was the only option, I never thought of me liking Keith but now that I think of it he is pretty cute. I already knew about Shiro liking Keith, but whats the fun without a little rivalry.

"Guys, stop staring its embarrassing" Keith says with a cute yet harmless voice. I totally forgot that we were staring. " Sorry... baby" I mutter under my breath hoping he would hear but not Shiro.

Well that's the opposite of what actually happened, Shiro heard me say that and got angry. Keith had just sat there with a confused look, because he didn't hear what I had said.

***** 30 Min Time Skip*****


I didn't understand why Lance and Shiro were fighting.  Was it something I said? I attempt to interrupt them " Guys, whats wro-". My attempt at interrupting them failed. Shiro came back at me with "SHUT UP KEITH! NO ONE WANTS YOU TO GET INVOLVED YOUR SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN, TRYING TO GET INTO TROUB-".

He stopped himself from talking when he saw me trembling with fear. I felt a warm drop fall down my cheek. Blood? No, its a tear. What the...I usually never cry.

Strange, it must be from being a omega." SHIRO YOU HURT HIS FEELINGS" Lance barks and runs over to hug me. Unlike normal Shiro he just runs off and doesn't say anything more.                       

" Lance...what was all that about?" "Well," Lance begins" I called you baby, only wanting you to hear but, I guess that's not what happened, I think Shiro heard me." Lance pauses

"Hes had a crush on you ever since the Garrison, I guess I've also had a crush on you. I know this will be a hard decision but, who will you choose" Lance whispers the last four words into my ear then gets up to leave. I just sit there in udder shock. I pondered the question for a minute and got up and headed for my room.

********In Keith's Room********


I hear a sound almost like a hammer hitting a metal nail. "Come in." I say in a low-spirited voice. I hear a deep soothing voice. "Hey, its me". Without looking up I know its Shiro, and hes come to apologize.

Unfortunately for him I'm not the easily forgiving type. "Oh, and by the way I'm not a drama queen, I'm a drama king". "Really? You act like a queen." Shiro remarked. I barked back at him, literally barked.

I cover my mouth with my hands and crinkle up into a ball. Shiro has a low growl come out of his throat and I immediately sit up. A wave of shock crawls over me. Why did I just do that? Was it my instincts?

I look back to Shiro for some possible answer but he looks as stunned and confused as me. Breaking the silence he mutters a quick "Sorry" before leaving me in his wake. Again, I sit there shocked.


So..... tell me your thoughts. Sorry it took so long, I was procrastinating again. Should I continue? Do you want smut? Maybe it'll come to those who wait. Be good my Kitties

Word count: 575

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