Chapter 1-Me and My Dreams

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Chapter 1:

🌚Trish's POV: When I opened my eyes,it was all blur and I could see faintly star patterns on my ceiling.I adjusted to the light and then realized that it was all a dream.I am Trish Brayce,18 years old and about 5 ft 6 inches tall and to be sincere,I am tall and plump.


I was in my room and I heard my mom calling me happily to get prepared for school,my new school,Raven's Peak High.Ohh, I almost forgot we just moved to Arizona from New York City,and seriously I call this place the middle of nowhere cause I know no one here and I'm glad that my mom has finally gotten off the hook of my dad's death 3 months ago..............

My dad received an emergency call by his boss in his office and there were rumours and news that the Gland Bridge back in NYC was faulty but my dad had no choice than to pass the the bridge in which my mom had opposed but my dad secretly passed it which led to his death. But well,that was three months ago and I had to be strong for my mum.

'Yes mum,I'm prepared already'. I told my mum, got my shades,took my bag and books and went down stairs.

"Have some cereal Trish".

My mom said,but I said no cause, the new school had a cafeteria and I was too nervous to eat.I kissed my mom goodbye and left the house.

.......Still standing at the door, I breathed"Raven's Peak High,here I come".I opened the door,after being checked in by the bursar.I entered into the main school and everyone stared at me,


I gasped inside of me,took a step forward and moved to my locker as directed by the bursar. Empty,my locker was,so I dropped all my books and arranged my locker,added some pictures and all other decorative materials. I took out the subject I had first which was Biology.As I was about to close my locker,I saw a beautiful blonde standing in front of me and she said

'Hi new girl ,you must be Trish Brayce,I am Lisa Peters and I am your school guardian for now.Welcome to Raven's Peak High'.

Wow,she was amazing.I just stared at her and then scoffed

"Ah-uhm,yes I'm Trish Brayce and nice to meet you ".

She asked the class I was in and I told her the 11th Grade B and we were both in the same class. She checked her schedule and mine,we both had quite some classes in common.

She showed me round the school,the library was nice,the cafeteria also,the laboratory, etc.I was busy thinking about my first appearance in my homeroom,when Lisa asked me"Which club would you love to join ,We have the cheerleading squad,brain squad,music,drama and the rest of it."I told her I would decide later and we both entered into the homeroom and the name of our teacher was 'Miss Cynthia Marx'. The class started and ended well. Guess I would love this school after all......

Thanks 4 reading chapter 1


Dorcas loves💋

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