Chapter 20- Together?

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"So you can keep me,

Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans,

Holding me close until our eyes meet,

You won't ever be alone"


Chapter 20: TOGETHER?

🌚Trish's POV:

Blake and I are really close lately, I mean he texts me almost everyday, he sends me gifts, he visits me, he's been the sweetest person I've ever met, if only I was his girlfriend.

Mom, Lisa and Jane has been saying that he has been courting me but I don't believe 'cause please he'll surely have a girl. Prom is drawing close and we're senior students, going to college, my dream college hasn't accepted me yet, NYU, New York University, but I'm still expecting them. I still have no date to Prom, I might not even go. I was at home 'cause it's a Saturday, the last week, we all wrote our final exams in highschool, I was making myself Fruit Loops, when my phone beeped, it was Lisa, what does she want this time, ever since Jack asked her out for Prom, she has been more happy, and I'm so happy for her at least she's got someone. I only drown myself in music and playlists. I'm currently listening to Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding.

Come to the beach now,
There's a comet in 15 mins,
You don't wanna miss it!😱 -Lisa😜(your most amazing kim k shaped best friend)

Yup! She saved her name as that.
Holy shit! There's a comet, my favorite thing in summer, I can't miss it. I texted her back

Meet you in five☺- me the great

I took my car keys, oh in case you didn't know, mom bought me a new car for college well before I entered college, a new Venza! I drove for about five minutes, because the beach was close to my house, don't ask me why I took a car, what's it for. I got ourlt, double checked my lock and went to look for Lisa on the beach, where's was she? I searched for about five minutes. She was nowhere to be found. Then I saw a sign:


What does that even mean, but I moved forward and saw Blake sitting on a picnic blanket and had a picnic basket with him. I still don't understand.

"Blake?" I called him, he looked on my direction.

"Trish! Come over here" He said smiling, Ok now, this was a setup. I sat down beside him.

"What're you even doing here?" I asked curiously.

"There's a comet coming in about four minutes and you're asking me what I'm doing here?" He chuckled.

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