Chapter 2-Playboy, Sugarboy

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Chapter 2:

🌚Trish's POV: At the cafeteria for lunch with Lisa Peters, she is the only friend I have for now'cause I couldn't make any when classes were going on because I sat next to the most disgusting girl,Mary and whatever her last name was. She picked her nose through out the classes period. Ehhw,I said at the recalling of that thought. I had some potato chips,an apple and a chapman for lunch.
Lisa,my new friend, was busy chatting about something which I wasn't paying attention to. I was busy thinking of the club I would like to join,'should I join the cheer leading squad?, no I am not good in gymnastics, music?,yea,I was good in music so no need to go,drama?, yea,theater,I could go for that.'Then I said'Lisa,Lisa,I think I have found a club to join.....'Ahhhh...I shouted,I had accidentally bumped in to a boy with.....Gosh,the most beautiful eyes, auburn in color,my tray fell but my hands to the floor and I tripped on it,but as I was about to fall,he caught me, he had the most charming eye, I could just shutter.And then he let go,"Aghh,Aghh"I fell on my butt and it hurt.'Why did you do that?'and then he said'Ohh,sorry,I'm sorry,it was a mistake'.He then let me up. I said"thanks that's really nice of"but my voice failed."My name is Keith, Keith Thompson and you are ? "Trish, Trish Brayce".I could hear Lisa giggling.Ohh,I felt so stupid and dumb.Keith said "can I get your phone number?".I was speechless and dumbfoundely gave him my number."Thanks beautiful, catch you later".I still stood fixed on that spot, he called me beautiful was all I could think off.I stared blankly until Lisa snapped me off"come on,don't tell me you have fallen for that thing"."No, no,I didn't, it's butt hurts".I lied."Ok, then let's go".Lisa said dragging me away.After school, Lisa promised she would come to my house.
When I arrived home,my mum was watching a film show and was engrossed in it so,I went and stood in front of the TV and was beaming with smile when my mum said"Come on,come over here and tell me all the juicy details of everything that happened today, a new friend? crush? Cutie?,----"
"What's the rush mom calm down. Then I sat next to her and she looked at me eagerly waiting for me to start. I told her everything about Lisa, Mary, Miss Cynthia, how I bumped into Keith, and ohhh his eyes....and that Lisa was gonna come to our house.
"So do ya like have a crush on this boy or what?". Mom said "I wouldn't call it a crush , but a mere look."
"Really or you are just lying"
Mom knows me, she knows when I have a crush on a boy and everything but I had to lie cause whoa I just moved in. I can't just see a guy and like him. But deep inside me I knew I had a crush on him. If I tell mom, gosh she would start her lecture on the dangers of premature sex and bla bla bla.
"Now remember Trish you shouldn't have sex now, OK you have to get to know him, talk to him, date him, and get to know each other before any attachments or whatsoever" Mom said interrupting my thoughts.
"Yea mom, I've heard you, but i'm not gonna have sex with a guy I just met i'm gonna make love". I said with a smirk on my face.
"You're crazy". Mom said.
"I know". I replied as I walked upstairs , in my room I freshened up, while waiting for Lisa, I recalled the day's event faced front looking at the leaves and stars pattern on my ceiling.
"Trisssh, your friend Lisa is here". Mom shouted from the living room, I ran downstairs immediately, guess Lisa had introduced herself cause she was already holding a glass of juice. I invited Lisa into my room "OMG!! is this your room, my love, your room is beautiful" "Thanks". I said blankly. She sat on my bed and so did I, we did on home works and she brought up a conversation about Keith, "So this Keith are you like into him or is it a crush". "Nope, he hasn't even called me yet, but I think i'll be into him soon and he'll be into me...strongly". I replied and licked my lips but Lisa said"Sweetheart, let me warn you that guyy has done and undo, i'm sure he has seen the size of every girls breast in the school, he has a sugar-coated mouth and is sweet but does that only to see and enter a girl's room" Lisa warned but I said" Whether he's a player or not, he could be my SUGAR BOY"......

Sorry it took so long before I updated, been busy lately but I promise I will update weekly from now on and thanks to all you who still kept my book in you library😗😘
OK enough of the long talks so tell me what you think.


Dorcas loves💋

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