Chapter 16- You Found Me

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Chapter 16:

Blake's POV:

I stood up and looked at her grave one more time, she meant the world to me yet she had to go. I knelt down and brushed the tomb continually reading the words permanently written on it:

Gone is a precious soul

Creating a deep hole

On a deathly blow,

You will forever be missed by us

Wherever you go,

We are Pained and Damaged

But we know you've gone home》


Unknown POV:

I opened my eyes and it was all blur, I squinted and adjusted my eyes to the light, where am I? Everywhere was white, I shifted and saw the various wiring things connected from my hand to a drip. The Hospital?, what am I doing here, I turned to the left and saw Mum suiting down together with Lisa, Jane and Jack, but Blake was nowhere to be seen, I was hurt.

"Trish, darling, you're awake!" Mom shouted.

"Oh yes, she is finally, after taking a long beauty sleep!". Lisa said.

"Yea. Thank goodness, it took you forever to wake up". Jane chimed in.

Mum had bags under her eyes showing she hasn't been sleeping well, Lisa looked disheveled same with Jane while Jack looked stressed he was probably always calming his girlfriend. Oh, I missed all of them.

"Mum, Lisa, Jane!". I croaked finally talking I thought I had lost my voice.

"Honey, how are you feeling?".Mum asked.

"Fine, but i've got one hell of an headache". I said.

"Oh please, it took you forever to wake up". Lisa said hugging me as much as my body could allow. What can I say this girls are known for bonecrushing hugs. Still no sign of Blake.

"You can't blame me, it was a real hard hit". I said smiling but stopped immediately because of my headache. Great! So now I can't smile, grin, laugh or smirk! How fantastic! Note the sarvasm.

After the doctor finished examining me, mum said she would go home and prepare California maki which I was really craving for. Still no sign if Blake. Where was he?

As if reading my thoughts, Jack said "Hmm, Trish, Blake says I should tell you that he had some important stuffs to handle and that he is happy you're okay".

"Oh". I said feeling mor disappointed what was more important than me at this fucking time! Men i'm mad. He didn't even bother to see me, but he saved me though, well that didn't. Boys confusing freaks.

Should I be mad for him not being here?, yes! But no he's not my boyfriend, uggh, my head hurts. He is gonna get it from me. Then someone entered.


Hey guys ✋✌, so I decided i'm gonna be calling my readers and my fans...DORCAS_EMPIRE, you get, my name is Dorcas and its an Empire. That's that. Really, you guys thought I would let my precious Trish die, no I can't. The story would be pointless. Although, it's just about to get jucier , so DORCAS_EMPIRE let's prepare our hot coffee or chocolate and cozy blankets.

So I found out that it'll be really cool to write lyrics of songs at the beginning of a chapter! So that's what i'm gonna be doing.

P.S: I made up those quotes on the grave myself, emotional right?

Random questions:
1.) Whose grave did Blake visit?(×1000)
2.)Who entered the hospital room?

THE LOCKER EXCHANGE by @weathervane

Songs Recommendations:
It ain't me by Selena Gomez ft Kygo


Dorcas loves💋

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