Chapter 7-Be it Me or You?

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Chapter 7:

🌚Trish's POV:

    I walked home alone without Lisa for the first time ever since I entered RPH *Ravens Peak High*, I still had those confusing questions in my mind, why was Lisa angry, I tried talking to her but she didn't even answer.


  I got home and met my mom cooking,

"Mom, good evening".

I greeted then she smiled at me. I walked upstairs slowly with no expression on my face, got to my room, dropped my bag and fell down flat on my bed with my head buried under my pillow, I was confused Katie had congratulated me for being Keith girlfriend but Lisa didn't seem happy at all. I took out my phone and dailed Lisa number but she didn't pick but I was told to leave a message which I did

"Lisa please, pick my calls, I really need to talk to you".


   The next Monday, I saw Keith and Katie laughing about something I felt that streak of jealousy in me, for the past weekend, Keith didn't call me or come to visit me. I walked up to him and said

"Keith I demand for a reason why in this fucking world didn't you call me or come to visit me".

"Whoo, whoo sweetheart I was really busy I had to do something for my dad, that's why please forgive me"

Well that's an explanation

"OK, hi Katie, how are you today?". I said talking to Katie who looks like she had been hit by a bus.

"Fine". She replied and walked away.
Well that's an attitude
I talked to Keith about a few things about me and he told me about himself. The bell rang, as I was about to head to my class , he held my hand and dragged me back making me to hit his chest with my breast, I froze as he drew his lips nearer, I could feel his breath on my face, his lips came closer and then touched mine, I opened my mouth to grant him entrance into my mouth and he continued to kiss me until I pulled back and he smirked at me

"Why, do you want to leave your boyfriend without kissing him".

My cheeks went red as I blushed. We then departed to our separate classes.


During lunch I saw Lisa sitting alone when a girl approached her and sat down next to her, and they were chatting and laughing. The streak of jealousy came again. I guess that's her new bestie.

" Trish come and sit next to me ". Keith called he was sitting with Katie, again that streak of jealousy. Katie eyed me with hatred as I sat next to Keith, well, I don't know why she's mad with me but I will let that pass. Then I felt a sudden movement on my laps, the hands moved slowly massaging my laps and then move slowly to my entrance, holy shit I was fucking wet. I looked up to see whose hands it was and it was..Keith he looked at me with lust in his eyes and his full perfect pink lips were smirking mischievously at me.

   .....OMG!, what is Keith trying to do, he moved his hand forward on my laps, he touched my panties leading to my entrance with his fingertips, ohh, it felt so good and...he began to massage. Oh gosh, I let out a loud moan everyone on the table stared at me!! What in this fucking world should I do?!.


Hey guys, Dorcas here✌✋.
Whoa, there's a lot going on, what's Trish gonna do. Hahaha. Serves her right. OK serious, I want you all to know that I don't have a frequent routine for updates...cause..sometimes am lazy to write😂😂
Announcements: So from now on, in my Author's note i'm gonna be saying books recommendations for you guys, songs recommendation also. So now I really deserve some accolades.

Help!: I need covers for my book, so you can send them to me and I promise I'll dedicate a chapter to ya💟💟

Random question:
1.) Who was the girl with Lisa.
2.) Why is Katie always with Keith.
3.) What is Trish gonna do now.

Book Recommendation: HOW WE MET by @Ayomishi
Guys that book is great, although she's still updating, the book is interesting, give her some love💖 by voting.

Song recommendations for this chapter:
I like it CARDI B

Don't be a ghost reader😱 tell me whatcha tink.


           Dorcas loves💋

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