Chapter 5-My Date, My Love

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Chapter 5:

🌚Trish's POV:

      Lisa and i were busy chatting about the scenes in 'ROMEO AND JULIET' and how I bumped into Keith again when we heard my name from the back,

"Trish, Trish, wait up".

Oh, it was the long black haired girl I met in the tryouts, Katie, she was running up to me

"Trish your voice is so amazing, you actually pulled it off on that stage".
She said.

"Thanks what of you are you in?" "No I wasn't picked, they said I should go work on my voice when talking to an audience". Katie said. "Awwwn, you should tryout next year again, right". I said. "Nope, i'll look for another club, hey Lisa, how are you doing". Katie said just noticing Lisa beside me.

"Fine, thank you, how about you". She replied

"Good, OK Trish, Lisa see you later I have a class now". Katie said as the bell rang.

     As we were walking to our class my phone beeped , guess who it was, Keith, Keith Thompson, the message said:

  'Hey beautiful, meet me at the school entrance after school Thanks'-Keith

  "My, he didn't even say please, who the hell does he think he is".

Lisa said after reading the message,

"My Romeo, well the please doesn't even matter, I'll go meet him after school". I said ignorantly,

"Geez, really you are going to meet the Playboy, I thought you were angry with him about the night stripping thing, one minute you were angry with him now you're calling him your girl you need to snap out of this dream world you're crazy". Lisa said but I replied" I know my mum always tells me that". We both laughed at that. But really Trish, u shouldn't answer the Playboy". Lisa said. "Oh, you mean my sugar boy, my Romeo, I'll go meet and hear what he has to say. So you didn't tell me that you know Katie". I said changing the subject. "Yea I do, she is in Keith's or no let me quote you 'my sugar boys' class". "She seems like a nice and interesting girl to me". "Yea she is, but we aren't that close"

    We entered the class and our math teacher, Mr Jox had already started teaching, we slipped into our seats and I couldn't even concentrate all I could think of was "My Romeo, My sugar boy"

      *** **********************
"Trish, Trish, Trish". Lisa called I had already drooled off in my thinking while the period was going on and no one was in the class except the two of us " Trish, come on wake up from your dream world". Lisa said,       "Ohh, i'm awake, i'm awake". I replied.
  We walked down the hallway when I told Lisa and to wait for me while I go see Keith, who was waiting for me at the entrance of the high school" Hey, you asked me to meet you here, why?". I said and he replied "Well I wanted to ask you if you would love to go on a date with tonight?". "Yes, I would love to go on a date with you". I replied "Thanks beautiful see you, and text me your address so I can come and pick you up". "OK, I will, Bye". I said and hurriedly walked out of him.


When I told Lisa about what Keith said and my reply while we walked home "Trish, I am shocked you told that thing yes, you dissapointed me, after all I told you about that thing
"Look Lisa, you don't understand I have a crush on this guy and he doesn't look anything out of what you told me about me about him except his sugar coated mouth". "Ok, if you say so but i'm still warning you, that guy is a good-for-nothing boy, but well it's your choice". Lisa said. "Thanks, for being a supportive friend". Lisa told me she was going to stay at my house till her mom comes to pick her and I was cause she would help me to select the clothes I was going to wear on my first date.

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