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Characters Interview

🌹Oke Dorcas' (author) POV:

"Again why are we here?!" Lisa shouted as I settled down with my questions filled book.

"I've this feeling that we've been kidnapped" Jane said as I stared at her, yup she was the state-to-fact girl.

"You know, it shouldn't be named kidnapped it should be adultnapped" Blake reasoned, he thinks? Trish rolled her eyes at him as Jack guffawed.

"Hmm-hmm" I cleared my throat, how do I explain to them that I created them, I was the author of their story.

"I only came for the free pizza and Chinese" Keith said sitting on a couch with Katie at a far corner of my interview room.

"You came for free pizza!" Trish snorted.

"You're also here!" He pointed out as Blake looked at him, hard.

"Please can I have total silence!" I bursted, I'd taken enough.

"Y'all I am your creator! The author of your story! Oke Dorcas but people call me DORCAS Without me, you wouldn't be here or even come to life! Now if y'all will shut up! You got a whole fanclub questions y'all have to answer!" I shouted.

"You sound like my momma!" Jack whispered playing with a small ball.

"Whoa! We've fans, are they hot?!" Keith said.

"Shut up! Manwhore!" Blake said as I swallowed back a laugh.

"Ok, can we begin these questions, mom said I should be home early" Trish said calmly, now that's my girl, responsible.

Now let me state how they were, Lisa was busy making out with Jack, Trish sat quietly near Blake who looked like he was about to kill Keith, Katie was checking her long red painted nails, while Jane was on her phone. Wow, they were so organized. Note the sarcasm.

"Guys! Let's begin!" I said bringing back order into the room. They all concentrated now, finally!

"So the first question is for Keith" Blake snorted, as I continued "Did you really like Trish when you first met her? From a totally obsessed fan, that's what's here" I said.

Trish gulped, as Keith said "Nah, just wanted to play her, to taste" He stated blankly, as Trish gasped as she held back Blake.

"Ouch" Katie said sneering at Trish, I rolled my eyes.

"Trust me, I would love to stick up my nails in your nose" Lisa told Katie, defending Trish.

They were quiet once again, I proceeded to the next question.

"This one is for Lisa, did you and Jack ever have sex, this one from a fan not me, trust me I don't want to know" I said.

"I'll pass" Jane said scrunching her nose in disgust.

"Yes, a lot of times, there was the one time we used the vibrator to-" Lisa was saying but Trish covered her mouth as Jack turned crimson.

"You don't want to hear it" Blake told me.

"Thanks Lisa, but I think I'm good, we don't wanna corrupt your fans mind" I said and she shrugged.

"Next" Katie said.

"This one is for you, Katie" I said and she smirked.

"I knew it" she sneered, so evil, but she was still my character, I shrugged.

"Why're you such a bitch, no offense, again these questions are not mine" I said as Katie gasped, shocked. Keith shrugged.

"I thought you said they were fans!" Katie screeched obviously hurt.

"They are, they just wanna know" I shrugged.

"You made me a bitch! You're the author of our story right? Oke Dorcas" She said pointing an accusing finger at me.

"Stop saying that, you make me feel uncomfortable" Blake shivered.

I thought of what to say, but Lisa interrupted
"Well, if you weren't such a bitch, the fans won't ask!" Lisa retorted

"You fucking douche-" Katie screamed lunging forward to attack Lisa but Keith held her back, Jack also restraining Lisa.

"Language, Katie" I said, maybe it was a bad idea, to bring them all together, I should have done Keith's and Katie's separately.
And I'm such a hypocrite, here I am saying language when I swear the most. Fuck some shit or- you see what I'm saying.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Kaie asked, they were settled once again.

"Again, I'm your creator, the author of this story you live in, which is BEHIND HER DREAM by the way, I made y'all I know all of you like an open book, you're all like my babies, I know all y'all secrets, I know that Keith has a weird habit of playing girls, which isn't weird at all, I know that Jane loves vodka and puked in her grandma shoes one time, I know that Blake loves putting salt in his water, again, not weird at all, I know that Lisa, loves sex, I know that, Jack hasn't washed his clothes since last month and I know Katie is obsessed with Cinderella and finally I know that Trish loves being alone sometimes, again not weird at all!" I finished, taking a deep breath.

"Way to go, captain obvious!" Lisa said

"Really thanks for the exposure" Katie said. Keith agreed with her.

"Again you sound like my mom" Jack said

"I feel like my whole life has been a lie" Jane said shaking her head.

"Yea, but now I understand better" Trish joined in.

"Wait!" Blake exclaimed and said "Do the girl fans think I'm hot" Everyone including I stared at him in disbelief as he earned a shove from Trish, that's my girl.

"Yes they do, please guys can we continue?" I groaned.

"Yes" they chorused finally peaceful.

"Thank goodness, now the next question is from cowgirlzeddison and it goes to Keith" I announced and the devil himself smirked.

"Go on" He says.

"She asks, 'Keith why are you such a HEIFER?!'" I said and they all begin to snicker and mock him, including Katie.

I rolled my eyes at their childish antics and added "Again, their words not mine"

Keith clears his throat for a few moment before answering.

"One, I'm not a heifer or whatever, two, what does that even mean?!" He asked, incredulously and I shrugged.

"Never mind, I'll look it up, heifer!" Blake mocked and they all burst out laughing except Keith, who was red-faced. I let out a small giggle, and continued.

"Next question from..."

To be continued...

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