Chapter 19- Love More...Worry Less

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...And my heart won't beat again,

If I can't feel him in my veins,

No need to question,

I already know...Its in his DNA...

-DNA by Littlemix

Chapter 19: Love More...Worry Less

🌚Trish's POV:

It was finally weekend, I couldn't get myself to talk to Blake, I was full of guilt, it was so unfair, he also has his life to live, who am I to even question him. That's by the way, Jack asked me to help him on how to ask Lisa out for PROM, whether she would be his date, I agreed to help, at least that had kept me busy. It is a huge surprise for Lisa.


"Come on Trish, there's no soccer game so why are you taking me to the field". Lisa complained for the 100th time.

"I wanna show you a flower its a special one and plus your favorite color". I said, Lisa had no clue of the surprise.

"Really, a flower at 8pm, Trish you're unbelievable!". She complained. We entered the field, it was dark.

She's here

I texted Jane, then suddenly for Lisa, a red light filled the whole field. Then some of the soccer of RPH came out and stood horizontally, turned their back at us then took off their jerseys,

"Guys you're hot and all but I have a boyfriend". Lisa said closing her eyes.

"Come on Lisa, open your eyes". I told her and she obeyed and saw:

P-R-O-M-? On each boy's back it read.
Just then Jack came out holding a bouquets of flowers, he said "Lisa would you go to prom with me?".

Lisa started sobbing, she ran and kissed him, so cute. The rest of us clapped and cheered for them. Blake came and stood next to me and said "Sweet couple".

"Right". I said still looking at them.


"Trish". We said at the same time, I stared at his eyes, they ere blue.

"Ah-uhm, can we talk?" He said smiling. We started walking, the streets were illuminated by the street lights.

"So?". He said.

"So". I replied.

"You wanted to talk to me". He said

"Yes, actually, I just wanted to apologize for everything, I've behaved like shit to you, I'm always pushing you away, you who cares unlike Keith- - -I mean- i'm sorry for bringing up Keith, I just can't help it, I'm a real bad person for blaming all boys all because of a fucking guy...I tried to get over him but - -". Blake stopped my rambling by kissing me, I mean he's still freaking kissing me,I shouldn't push him away right?

I kissed him back following his slow movements, it felt like bliss. Then we pulled back for air. I let my hair fall to hide my blush.

"You talk too much" He said smiling.

"Sorry, I just wanted to apologize for".

"I forgive you darling" He said. Holy shit! He called me darling, shit, I'm getting nervous, I felt the heat creeping on my neck. I started checking my nails. I'm nervous, holy shit!

"Trish, look at me". He held my face making me to look at him

"Love More, Worry Less".


Hey there✌✋ yes you! So how are y'all today, hope y'all enjoyed this filler, its just shows moments of Blake and Trish, and how she apologizes and promposals are already in the air....ode..ode.. Who else loved Jack promposal as much as I did!!

1.) Who do you think should be Trish's partner (×100)

And oh! It remains two chapters left for this book! I can't believe we've gone this far...but y'all shouldn't worry more juice will be upfront y'all should be chilling...chilling...

Book Recommendations:
The Quirky Tales of April Hale by @demonicblackcat (d username b scaring d shit out of me all the fucking time) *sorry for cussing*

Song for this chapter:

so till next time pals...*glitches off*

Don't be a ghost reader 😱 pls


Dorcas loves💋

Word count: 677

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