Chapter 17- Almost

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"Send my love to your new lover,
Treat her better,

We gotta let go of all of our ghosts,

We both know we ain't kids no more"

   Send My Love to your new Lover- Adele

Chapter 17- Almost

🌚Trish's POV:

     After a couple of days, ok two days, i went back to RPH *Ravens Peak High* better but i still had the bandage wrapped around my head, i had told my mom not to press charges against Keith when she came back to my hospital room in which i thought was Blake, i was really mad at him, he didn't call me,text me. I haven't even seen Lisa or Jane. My phone beeped immediately i opened my locker, my hope rose thinking it was Blake. It read:

Hey bandaged, Jane and i are gonna be late we had something to do

Hmmph, it was Lisa not Blake, why do i even expect it to ne Blake, why do i even expect it to ne him, i think i might have developed some feelings for Blake. Oh No!That's not possible, i don't want to have any feeling for any damn boy. I only had a class in common with Blake, it was History, i entered history class and our teacher was busy typing something, so she didn't notice me i scanned for Blake but still was no where to be found.


     "Finally! The best period of the day!". Lisa said exclaiming. "What?". I asked innocently.
"Lunch, bandaged!". Jane said while we queued, the line was moving slowly today. Unfortunately, for me Lisa and Jane has given me a new nickname 'bandaged' because i still had bandage wrapped around my head.
      We say down at our usual table, i was in the middle while Lisa was by my right and have my left. Then jack joined us a few moments later, while we were discussing about 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'.

"Well i don't care what you think all i know is that Kourtney is the prettiest". Jane said.

"Nope!" Lisa said popping the 'p' "it's Kendall i love her face". Lisa continued. "Jack what do you think Kendall or Kourtney?". Lisa said facing Jack, he looked helpless like shit and confused. "

"Look guys lets stop arguing about people who are busy making their money". I said coming to Jack's rescue.

"She has a valid point". Jack said quickly.

"Whatever but as for me Kendall is the prettiest,got it!". Lisa said dismissively. We changed the topic to bikinis, lingeriesand Calvin Kleins but i didn't join in the pointless argument even Jack joined in. Blake then arrived and sat beside me moving Jane away.

"Hey guys". He said smirking.

"What the fuck Blake, where have you been, i haven't seen you since morning". Lisa said punching him on the shoulder.

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