CHAPTER 14-Not My Type!

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Chapter 14:

*above us a picture of Jack Black

🌚Trish's POV:

      After the kiss, Jane twisted the bottle and the head went to Blake, the tail me, oh really,

"Truth or Dare?". Blake asked.

  "Truth". I wasn't in the mood for daring.

"Who did you have your first kiss with?". Oh my God! Why did he have to ask, I hate talking about it, Keith took or stole my first kiss, the other boyfriends I had back in NYC OK I had only one but we weren't that serious, he just kisses me on my forehead and neck, and he never officially asked me out, he just liked me and I don't know if I did. "No, i'm not gonna". I said trying to keep calm. "Then you'll have to kiss me". Blake said smirking. OK I've lost it!

"What the hell is wrong with you!, I said I don't wanna talk about it, is it that hard to understand!". I shouted and jumped out of my window. Luckily, my window is nearer to the ground. I walked on the streets until I saw a bench and sat down. I buried my head on my hands. No, I can't cry, I can't cry because of a dumb first kiss. I heard footsteps and I raised my head it was Blake.

  "What do you want!". I cried trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Look Trish, i'm sorry if I had reminded you of your past relationship, it's just that...I- look i'm so sorry". He said and placed his hand on my back, I felt butterflies explode in my tummy at his touch, why does he have this effect on me.

"It's okay, i'm not angry I just don't like talking about my relationship with Keith". I said, at least Blake didn't mean any harm.

     We walked back to my house slowly, as we walking I said "Hmm, Blake-the kiss, I mean the truth or dare, did it mean anything to you?". I said why did I even sy that shit, I don't even like the guy, he's just somehow or sort of my friend but he replied "Nope. It meant nothing, I couldn't kiss Lisa cause she's my bruh's girl, and Jane I barely know her so you were my only option, but it didn't mean anything to me cause you're not my type!".He said nonchalantly.

  Wait what!

He just told me that I am not his type. Keith said that same thing to me and it still damn hurts, boys, why, is something wrong with me , am I fat? Definitely not! .
I need to get away from the guy, how dare he say that to me. I start running and finally reached my house I saw Lisa, Jane and Jack outside but I ignored them, I ran into my house, straight to my room, slaed the door, my heart was beating so hard that I could hear it why was it so hard, why does it still hurt this much?why?, why does Blake telling me I am not his type hurt, he should have his own choice of girls who am I to choose.

      My phone beeped, it was an unknown number.

I'm sorry- Blake. It read.

How in this world did he even get my number, Lisa did this I will deal with her tomorrow, I promised myself I would never cry for a mere boy so I won't!....


Hey guys Dorcas here✌✋, hope u guys enjoyed this drama darn filled chapter, i'm so happy for all'ya support on this story it really means a lot to ma😭

Random questions:
1.) Does Blake really mean what he said.
2.) Is Trish gonna be mad with him and oops!😮isn't Jack cute😉

THE LAST VIRGIN STANDING by @laughterandjynx

ATTENTION by Charlie Puth
DANGEROUSLY by Charlie Puth
HOLD UP by Beyoncé

Help: I still and will always be in need of covers for my book_!
So pls pls help me and I will dedicate a chapter to ya promise,😊

Don't be a ghost reader 😱 tell me whatcha tink.

    As always no bad vibes😈


             Dorcas loves💋

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