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"I think we're alone now,

There doesn't seem to be anyone around,

I think we're alone now,

The beating of our hearts is the only sound"

                       I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW                                                                  -Indiana


🌚Trish's POV:

     I yawned and stretched, reached out to my bedside drawer to stop the alarm. I got up and started humming random tunes as I freshened up, what should I wear today? I didn't want Blake to think that I was trying to impress him but I still wanted to look good. I continued scanning through my closet and finally picked an outfit.

I skipped downstairs and immediately smelt the delicious aroma of mom's signature bacon and scrambled eggs. Maybe life with Dada wasn't bad after all.

"Hola mom!" I shouted and started helping mom set the table.

"Well someone's in a good mood" Mom said as she placed some juice on the table.

"I guess so" I said.

"This is because of Blake right? He makes you so happy" Mom said sitting down.

"Yes mom, he does and very soon you'll find yours" I said also sitting down, she smiled back at me.

     After breakfast, I'm presently in my room with my laptop and a message popped on my screen. It says that I've been admitted in NYU. OMG!

"Mom!" I shouted. I ran downstairs as she was busy watching a movie.

"Mom, I got in, I finally got in, NYU finally admitted me" I said and continued screaming. Mom pulled me into a bear hug.

"Yes, I knew you would get in, I'm so proud of you darling, I wish your father was here to see this and that he was also there on the at of your graduation from highschool" Mom said still hugging me.

"Don't worry mom, his presence was there and is still here" I said.

"I know, I know" She said rubbing me at my back.

I texted Blake then Lisa and Jane the good news.

   "Trish!" Lisa and Jane shouted as they barged into my room and we group hugged.

"We also got in!" Jane shouted.

"This calls for a celebration!" Blake shouted entering my room holding pizza boxes, cheerios and ice cream tubs together with Jack.

"Hi sugarplum" He pecked me on the lips after dropping the food on the table in my room.

"Hey sweetie pie" I joked.

"Congrats, I always knew you would get in" Blake said, he had gotten his admission to NYU few days ago.

We all sat on the floor in circles and began to dig in.

Behind Her Dreams |✔(Dream Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now