Chapter 15- Blank Wallpaper

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Please make me smile happily by clicking on the star button down below your screen.... You've done it..oh I wasn't expecti-Thank you!

Chapter 14:

🌚Trish's POV:

      As I closed my locker, still in my new-trish-self, I can still remember as those girls in the cheerleading squad were eyeing their fake eyelashes at me and those jocks gawking at me like i'm some type of stripper. Well, I don't care. It was Blake standing in front of me, what does he want this time? I've been downright ignoring him, His texts, calls, remind me to kill with Lisa for giving him my number. Doesn't he get the message. I.Am.Mad.At.Him.

"Look Trish just listen to me, just this once and please let me explain".
He said.

I scoffed and stopped walking, turned to face him, "What! I have a class now!". I said. Maybe I was a little harsh.

"I just want to tell you that i'm sorry, I just got pissed off, because Lisa told me about when I asked, she said you don't like boys, and I thought that-maybe you didn't want me- even as your damn friend and when you ignored all of my texts and calls I felt I must have hurt you with the words I said, i'm such a prick, please forgive me". He said.

I looked at him, he had said it himself, he messed up and he had dark bags under his eyes but he still looked handsome, so handsome, what?, where did that come from. Why was I even angry with him, I don't even have some darn feelings for him or do I? Because it really hurt when he said I wasn't his fucking type! Or he didn't even mean it.

OK Trish enough with the swearing I told my inner self.

"It's fine, I was just angry because I hate people telling that phrase, word, sentence or whatever, but don't Blake it's cool, i'm not mad anymore".

Immediately, a smile lit on his face showing his perfect dimples.

"Ok bye." I said as the stupid bell rang breaking our eye contact.

"Bye cupcake." He said running off.

"Hey, don't call me that." I said and he laughed.

"Ok lollipop!". He said from a distance.

Good grief! Now I have a nickname 'lollipop' by my dearest, Blake.
God what's wrong with me.


   After school, Lisa and Jack went out immediately after school, Jane got detention for throwing spitballs at her Spanish teacher Mrs Lauorenzo, so I had to go home alone of course with the ego-filled Blake.

"So do you have plans today". Blake said shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Not really". I said.

"So would you like to grab some ice cream at Ben&Jerry. He asked.

"Yes of course, ice cream is just the magic food I need right now". I said loudly and tiptoed to peck his cheek, where did that even come from.

"Ehww, that was cute lollipop." Blake said.

"Don't call me that." I retorted.

"OK sugarplum". He said. Then, I hit him playfully on his arm. I felt someone grab me on my waist, I was ready to give the person a real hard hit where the sun doesn't shine when the person said.

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