Chapter 11- New Trish

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Chapter 11:

*above is a picture of the New look of Trish

🌚Trish's POV:

I stood up at least to have a better view of the person standing before me, i think i know him he is...Blake, i think?,
he is part of the soccer players in our school and he is also really handsome, but i hated boys now. I can't like them anymore.

"Hey, i'm Blake" he said looking at me "well i'm Trish". I said with no expression on my face.

"I think I know you, you're also in Ravens Peak High, I also attend there in case you don't know me". He said.

"Yea, I kinda figured that out, you're part of the football players". I said still with no expression.

"So are you waiting for someone or you're alone here". He asked. Wait what, i'm practically lost here, I've never been here before.

"Hmm, i'm kinda lost here, I've never been here before, so i'm basically alone". I said. "OK, then can I at least take you home, you can tell me where you live don't worry i'm not a kidnapper, so don't be scared". He said and started laughing I didn't even know when I joined him in laughing.


When we arrived at my house, I thanked him and he left in a roar. I know some things about him, let me just say he talks a little too much. He told me he has a brother named Jack, he lived around the fourth street next to mine, and oh he had a dog named Kimmy.

"Hey mum".

I said as I entered my living room. "Oh hun, you're back, so how was your date with Keith". She asked. "Well, let's just say, yayy! am free, i'm single again". I said sarcastically.

"That's good hun, at least you're not being played by that jerk face called Keith, that's how boys are, stubborn, they come and leave you behind, boys, liars!". I knew she was talking about dad, but dad didn't leave us, he died, for goodness sake he died.


The next day, which was my favorite day, Saturday, I had stayed up last night watching make-up tutorials, hair looks, new dressing styles, and tried them all until I got it right, I had decided I was gonna change, I would be a NEW TRISH, tough, beautiful and sexy. I woke up with the beautiful chirping of birds, oh let me stop, i woke up with my mum yelling at me from the kitchen that breakfast was ready.

"Ok, mom i've heard you!". I yelled back at her. I quickly got up, straight to shower, after scrubbing and humming random tunes, I dressed up, wearing a skimpy crop top and a crazy shorts with some long stretched zigzag sandals, I applied much more make-up than usual with a pink lipstick, until I was satisfied with my look. The NEW TRISH had arrived i said to my self. Lisa is gonna go gaga....

As i skipped downstairs, mum looked at me i guess she was wondering "I'm sorry is this?-". Mom said acting surprised. "Muum, it's me Trish Brayce, but this is just a new version of me, I wanna show Keith boys how much of a jerk they are and show Keith how much he missed out". I said smirking.

"Awwn, poor boy, but seriously this your look of yours is one in town, i love you Trish". Mom said. "I love you too mom".
Just then my phone beeped, i was Lisa:

Trish i've got big news😲-Lisa

What is it😕-me

Noo, i ain't tellin u now, i'm coming over, i'll tell u ma gossip and u'll tell me yours💁- Lisa.


Hey guys, Dorcas here✋✌.
Its beeen a long time pips. I missed u guys, i don't have an excuse for not updating. It was my choice. But hope u enjoyed it!!.

Random Questions:
1.) What's Lisa's big news.
2.) will Keith regret his decision

Book Recommendations:
RED FOR REBELLIOUS by @glitterANDgold.
THE BAD BOY RULES by @Eliah Greenwood.
Guys i just finished reading it and it's so interesting.

Song Recommendations for this chapter:
LIKE I'M GONNA LOSE U by Meghan Trainor
DUSK TILL DAWN by Zayn ft Sia
I love his voice (Zayn)

Help: i need covers for my book send them to me and i'll dedicate a chapter to ya 😍

Don't be a ghost reader😱, tell me whatcha tink.


Dorcas loves💋

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