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Hey guys! I have a really big announcement! Behind Her Dreams is going to have a sequel.

And the title is...


I'm freaking out right now! I never thought this could ever happen and of course I thank y'all

DORCAS_EMPIRE, y'all are the best...

And lemme say this, Insatiable is going to be a continuation but not actually a continuation (if that makes sense) because it tells a story from Jane's(one of Trish besties) her own story. It also shows some moment of Trish and Blake, remember they are all going to the same uni, NYU and I promise you it'll keep you stuck till the end. So Bless up people. Its another one.*DJ KHALED*

So I'm going to leave a story description right here⬇


"Do you think you are ugly". Cole asked.

"No I don't". I replied.

"Glad you didn't ask".He said.

"Why are you bothering me, back off, I want to be alone!". I said and sniffed.

"Because I want to be with you and stay with you!".

I stared at him and looked at his piercing eyes as he looked at mine.

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Hey pips, Dorcas here , this book 'Insatiable' is a sequel to my previous book 'Behind Her Dreams'. So enjoy and hey!! to my new readers or previous.

Meet Jane Patrick.
A girl who just wants her damn life to be normal but she never gets want she wants, she is never loved by her mother who she never knew  but lives with her father who cares about her alot and raised her alone and lied to her about something important, which she's yet to find out.

Meet Cole Norman.
A normal guy, a big player and an attractive guy. All girls wants to be with him but he plays them as a result of his horrible past. But he torments the girl who he finds amazing just to stay with her.

Enjoy this wonderful, exciting, adventurous, story of Jane and Cole as they discover each other in Romance.

©2019, Oke Dorcas


That's the story description, y'all should go head on and read INSATIABLE!

Prologue, Characters and Chapter 1 now posted, you can find the book on my profile or search for 'INSATIABLE' on the little search thingy...

#2 INSATIABLE (current)

bye till next time...


Dorcas loves❤💋

Word count: 392

Behind Her Dreams |✔(Dream Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now