Chapter 6- Besties or Not?

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Chapter 6:

🌚Trish's POV:

      Back in school the next day, which was a Friday, Lisa asked me for the outcome of the dinner date together with Katie during lunch .

"Ok,tell me Trish,did he ask you out, did you guys kiss,answer?!!!".Katie said anxiously.

"Wait,wait,Trish did you tell Katie about your dinner date". Lisa asked giving me the look of hers that says' ohh you disappointed me'.
      "Yea,I did just this morning and yea he did ask me out and I said......"My words were cut short by the announcement of the drama coordinator "All members of the theatre please report to the school hall now!!!".

"Sorry ,guys I have to go ,I'll see you later, bye".I said and walked and also wondered why the drama coordinator asked us to meet her."Well maybe there's a play.

    My guess was totally right, there was a play titled "The Fallen Angel".The drama coordinator named all the characters in the play like

'Jessica, Simon, Jairus,Juliana, David,Agnes.......'

I was gonna go for Jessica 'cause she's the main character and I kinda like her role in the play,and that because she's gonna kiss the FALLEN ANGEL, I went eit's a cute guy. Auditions for various characters were going to start the next day, so we were dismissed from the school hall .

     Lucky for me,the lunch period wasn't over yet so I went to meet Lisa and Katie were I left them and there were still there chatting about something.

"So Trish ,why were you guys called to the hall?".

Lisa asked. "Hmmmm,we were organizing a play called "The Fallen Angel and I'm going for the role of Jessica"

I told my reason,the film details ,and the likes when Katie said"Ok,Trish now tell us about the diner date, did he ask you out and what was your reply".

"Yea, he did ask me out, but I said---".

Again I couldn't complete my statement because my phone started ringing and it was my mum calling, she called to ask me the time I would be home. While answering the call, Katie and Lisa were looking at me with curiosity.

"Bye mom".

I told my mum ending the call. "So as I was saying, he asked me out and I said yes, so now i'm officially Keith Thompson's girlfriend". "Whoa!, wow, Trish you liked finally asked you out and you said yes!". Katie said.

"Wow Trish, I never believed you could do such a thing, you said yes, i'm, i'm....". Lisa said but trailed off as she walked away.

    "Well, that's an attitude". Katie said. "Ok bye Trish i've got to go now". She said walking away I stood there fixed on that spot with many questions running through my mind: why was Lisa angry, why was she disappointed, but she should be supportive, are we BESTIES OR NOT?.


   Hola! Wow! This chapter is so short but I had to give you guys a filler right?😜😜
Wow Lisa had such an attitude here*dramatic*Yay!!Trish said YES

Random questions:
1.) Why is Lisa mad?
2.) Does Katie hate Lisa?.
3.)would Trish regret her decision.

Hahhh!!😨😨😱 this is so intense, so guys give me your feedbacks but remember I don't give spoilers. No bad vibes👽

Don't be a ghost reader😱 Tell me whatcha tink.


             Dorcas loves💋

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