Chapter 4-Oh Romeo!!

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Chapter 4:

*okay before I start this chapter here is a picture of Trish:

*okay before I start this chapter here is a picture of Trish:

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And then Lisa:

And then Lisa:

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Now the story.......

🌚Trish's POV:

      As I walked away from Keith, I tried to calm myself

"Relax Trish he was just kicking your ass, calm down". I said.

As I moved closer to the school hall where the tryouts was being held. I entered, and heaved a sigh of relief because I thought I was already late for the trials but they just started.

When it was almost my turn, a girl with long dark hair came to me,

"Hey i'm Katie, are you here for the tryouts".

"Yea I am, my name is Trish".

I said trying to be polite. Just then my name was called to start my tryout

"Good luck". Katie said and I replied

"thanks". I got on the stage putting on my dramatic face of 'you're gonna pull this off". Then I started

"Oh ROMEO, where art thou , you can't just leave me, I need you, oh ROMEO, I need you, you're the light of my world the star patterns on my ceiling, I love you, oh romeo where art thou".

Wait did I just say star patterns goshh.. What's wrong with me. The students in the school hall started applauding and was cheering for me, but wait!!! I wasn't done yet "Oh ROMEO, even if they wanted us to be apart, I love you". Then I started singing

¶ It might begin to rain,
It might begin to end,
But u and me will never
Cause you're the light
In my darkness, without
You my life would empty
So empty, you are the
Star so show me the way
The way back to u ¶¶

"I love u ROMEO!!"

Ohh, you should hear the applauding, the cheering, the whooping, the excitement, everyone was clapping for who? Me, me?!

"Trish Brayce you're in the theater". The coordinator of the drama club said. I went off the stage, the students were still clapping, I felt on top if the world. Yes! Yes!. I made it.


I saw Lisa standing at the end of the school hall smiling at me

"Trish you were great out there, the school was like it was under a spell while you were singing, you didn't tell me you have such a great voice". Lisa said.

"Oh Lisa, thanks i'm so happy". I said.

"You should have seen Keith, his mouth was in a perfect O shape". "Yea, he should be surprised, OH ROMEO"........


Heyy there, yes you so what do ya think, i'm sincerely sorry that I couldn't update immediately, but pls don't hate me hahaha😂😂
Don't be a ghost reader tell me what you think and guys pls vote it gives me the motivation to write more.....

So what do you think would happen
1.) Will Keith like Trish

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