Chapter 10- I hate U!

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Chapter 10:

🌚Trish's POV:

    After trying out several clothes I finally bought an extremely tight short gown which showed a great deal of my cleveage, and I bought a couple of other dresses and shoes. If you're guessing Lisa was the one who chose the right revealing dress for me because she said I had to look sexy. She even texted Keith saying:

We need to talk- me

OK, I'll come pick you up by 8- Keith

K- me

Love you💝- Keith

Who was he deceiving. And I didn't reply after that.

   When I got home. I was on my bed waiting for Lisa she made some excuse about going to see someone and that she would be back to get me prepared for the date, pretty much 'THE END DATE'. I buried my head on my pillow, I didn't even know when I started crying, I cried until my eyes were red and pluffy, why was I crying?, my heart burned with pain, I loved Keith but he just had to play me, he just had to. I hate him. I hate boys so much, well except from my deceased dad. I sniffed when someone knocked on my door, it was mum.

"Hun, are you okay".

She asked I sniffed one more time

"Yea, I am". She entered and saw my face, with worried expression written all over her face, she took my face in her hands and said "Hun, you're not okay, is it because of Keith?". What! how did mum know, Lisa did this,

"If you're wondering how I knew Lisa told me and she's downstairs waiting for ya, so cheer up, and show Keith how much of a dickhead he is!". Yea, that's basically my mom with her choice of words.


  "Wow, you look so beautiful, Trish, Keith would be drooling on his feet if he sees you". Lisa said after applying series of 'makeup tests' as I call it, then I wore the very revealing dress which she bought for me, oh, sorry chose for me, giving me some excuse that I had to look sexywhen I would have ordinarily worn a tank top, ajean and some converse, Yea, that was simple Trish.

Below is Trish's dress hope u guys luv it:

     Keith picked me up by 8, Lisa had gone home by then, he took me to a place 'DINER', he said they had Mexican and Italian food which he wanted to try out, bla bla bla, I was silent throughout the thirty minutes drive

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     Keith picked me up by 8, Lisa had gone home by then, he took me to a place 'DINER', he said they had Mexican and Italian food which he wanted to try out, bla bla bla, I was silent throughout the thirty minutes drive. When we arrived, a waitress looking like she was in her early thirties directed us to our table. As usual, they brought the menu, but I wasn't in the mood to eat any Italian or the fantasy Mexican food, so I ordered for just soda.
We started eating or I should say I was drinking soda and he was eating Onion Spaghetti with a scrunch of cheese, have ever heard that before, ehww.

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