Chapter 9- Fucking Hell!

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Chapter 9:

*above is a picture of Katie Montero

🌚Trish's POV:

   ...I just stared at Lisa as she told me everything, my goodness, she has dated Keith and she didn't tell me "Lisa why did you stop talking please what is Keith, I really need to know". But instead she continued to cry, then she calmed down "Look Keith is, Keith is a murderer, yes I said it, Keith is a murderer, he is a gang leader of a gang named 'HELL' and he almost killed my older brother, he almost fucking killed him". She said and started crying.


It all makes sense now, this was the reason Lisa was mad at me, this was the lie Keith had told me that he had something he was doing for his father, he has just been lying to me. But right now I need to calm Lisa down, 'cause I just reminded her of her brother's death "Lisa, i'm so shocked right now, why in the world would he..oh never mind, just please stop crying, you look more beautiful when you smile". I saw a smile crack on her face as I told her. Now who says I suck at cheering people up. "So now do you forgive me". I asked. "Yea I do but on one condition you're gonna buy me Shrimp Alfredo and some of Ben and Jerry's ice cream". She said and laughed, then I chuckled "Yea I would, so now let's go and forget all about Keith".

    "Wait Trish, first i'm gonna tell you my plan on how to get rid of Keith, by getting rid of him I don't mean kill because you are staring at me wide-eyed, what I mean is how we can get you to break up with Keith, first you will go right in front of him and slap him, when he askes you why you tell him 'awwn cute, i'm so done with you' then you walk out of him simple". She said smirking. "I am so not doing that, look I could just tell him over the phone or send him a text or something but definitely not what you just said, come on let's go". I said dragging Lisa along, she was rambling about how I should break up with Keith, but I finally made up my mind, I will send him a text. Period!.


  After school, Lisa and I walked together, as she continued her rambling about how I was gonna break up with Keith then she changed it to going to the mall which I tot's agree with. "Yea, Lisa let's go to the mall, it will take the tension of the breaking up issue and there we can find somewhere to eat and I'll get you your special Shrimp Alfredo". I said. "Yay!!, to the mall it is". Lisa said.


  When we arrived at the mall, Lisa had already started selecting some clothes for herself and I while I was busy texting my mum. Gee, finally...

Hey hun, how're u doing?- mum

Hi mom, i'm feeling good- me

Guess what I've broken up with Jeremy, my boyfriend - mum

Good, i'm so happy for you☺-me

Yea, lyk i'm free again, where are you at - mum

The mall with Lisa, we've reconciled - me

That's good, k see u later- mum

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