Chapter 13-Truth Or Dare?

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Chapter 13:

*above is a picture of Jane Patrick

🌚Trish's POV:

    After I had told my mom about Lisa's friends who were coming, in which she agreed, Jane, was the first person to arrive at my house and she is super nice, we got along easily, now she knows about my breakup, betrayal by Katie, and plus my new self and I also know stuffs about her too. We were all in my room when mom came in and said. "Hey ladies, Trish I'll be going out to meet Lisa's mom, Rachel, so I'll be back later in the night". I nodded while Lisa said

"Oh ma'am can you please tell my mom that I will be back later in the night , please tell her that Jack will bring me home. Thanks".

"Oh, yes I will, OK bye sweetie". Mom said to me and left.

     After, a few moments, the door bell rang, we all guessed that it was Jack and his mysterious brother whom I don't know, Jane offered to go open the door.


   When they arrived into my room, wait why did Jane bring them in here, I hated boys, oh my God, if my eyes could shoot lasers. I would have blasted her by now. And my goodness, Jack's brother I think, because Lisa went to kiss one so I guess the other would be the brother but he was facing backwards, making a phonecall, then he he turned and immediately our eyes locked, it was Blake, the guy who helped me last night, oh good grief!.

"Oh hey Trish, how are you doing?". He asked.

I opened my mouth to say something but Lisa interrupted

"Trish, so you know Blake and Blake you know Trish, how come you guys didn't tell me".

"I didn't know that your boyfriend mysterious brother was Blake, I met him just yesterday, he is the guy that helped me last night".

Note I didn't tell Lisa and Jane the name of the guy that helped me last night.

"Yea, whatever, so Jack honey, did you bring something for us, pizza?". Lisa asked .

"Yea, I brought pizza and some beer for us to loosen up a bit". Jack said finally talking and smirking at Lisa. Ehwww, they were too cheesy.


   After a while, we all ate and drank but we weren't drunk, I tried to talk to the guys, keyword *tried* but I maintained a good distance with them, because I hated boys duh.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?". Lisa exclaimed and Jane and the rest agreed.

"Hmm, i'm not so sure". I said they could ask what I didn't like. Lisa ignored me and Jane stood up moving closer to Jack and leaving me with Blake.
We kept a bottle in the middle as we formed a circle on the floor in my room, then Jack twisted the it, the head went to Lisa and the tail Blake.

"Truth or Dare?".Lisa said.

  "Dare". He replied.

"Kiss your favorite girl in this room". Lisa a dared. Lisa again with her craziness, he started crawling to Jane's direction, I felt little sad, but why I don't like the guy. Then he changed direction, his lips crashed into mine but I didn't kiss back. He kept on kissing me but I didn't kiss back, until I pushed him. This wasn't happening.


Hey guys Dorcas here✋✌.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. A lot of drama right, that's why I hate Truth or dare😂.
Hope u guys like Jane.
Oh well..

Random questions:
1.) Why did Trish push Blake back.
2.) Does Blake have feelings for Trish.

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Don't be a ghost reader😱, tell me whatcha tink.


          Dorcas loves💋

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