Chapter 10

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Jeanie's POV:

I waved to Emmett from the front window as he got into his brother's Volvo. He wasn't a hard student to teach, and I honestly felt as if he was only asking for my help to spend time with me, though I will not complain about that at all. The smile he put on my face when he first got here stayed the entire time and not a single thought of my past crossed my mind while he was here. I honestly couldn't wait for the date Friday.

I fell back onto the couch and let a soft sigh escape my lips. It was a few hours before bed and I was debating popping in to visit Uncle Gene and Aunt Jinny or making a trip to the genie market to search for a cat. Though I know if I go to the genie market alone, without a freed genie, Uncle would be furious at me for putting myself in that kind of danger.

I snapped my fingers to change into comfier clothes and was about to disappear to visit uncle when I heard the chimes throughout the living room. Odd, that isn't a genie call ringtone I recognize. I snap my fingers again to ensure my protections are up before I answer the call.

"Hello?" (J)

"Jeanie, it's me Giovanni. I' master.......please find....... Free me." (Gio)

I recognized the voice almost instantly as my 'cousin' Giovanni. I also recognized the pain that raced through his voice as he defied his master by making this phone call. Giovanni was a few centuries older than me, but he was also one of the few genies I knew that could defy his master and bear the punishment that came with it.

"I'm coming Gio, hold on." (J)

The call ended with a sudden click and I knew that he finally couldn't take the pain anymore. I snapped my fingers and placed as many protection enchantments on my own bottle's hiding place as I could, before I pulled his tracker out. I snapped my fingers again and laid it on the giant map that appeared and watched the tracker spin until it landed on where he was being kept. He was in Washington as well, in a town called Forks.

I wrote a quick note to Uncle in case I myself should go missing, before I took a deep breath and traveled to Forks. I opened my eyes to find myself standing in the middle of the woods. I heard the sound of howling nearby and I quickly snapped my fingers to put myself high up in a tree. I pulled out the map again, this time zooming in on Forks and placing the tracker on it again.

I saw it spin for a bit again until it came to rest just a few feet away from the woods I was currently in. I again closed my eyes and traveled closer to the spot before I opened them and saw a small house that seemed on the outside inviting, but I knew already that was a falsehood as Giovanni was a prisoner inside.

I made myself invisible before I appeared in the house and I saw three very large shirtless males arguing with one another, as a female stayed in the corner of the room rolling her eyes every once and a while. It didn't take long for me to spot Giovanni's bottle laying on the couch just behind the arguing men. Though the next moment my eyes landed on Giovanni beaten looking and bloody on the floor just a few feet from me.

"All I'm saying is that we could wish for it to destroy the leeches." (Jake)

"It has a name you know." (Gio)

I almost scoffed at him and his current situation. A new master, him laying beaten and bloody looking from defying one of them, and he has the nerve to try and be funny in a time like this. One day he will be the death of me I swear it.

"Didn't you hear that thing Jacob? It can't kill anything." (Sam)

"Well that's bullshit, it's not like they're alive!" (Paul)

"As Alpha of this pack and Master of this thing I'm the one that gets to decide what path we must take to protect this tribe. Not either of you!" (Sam)

I watched as all three shaking men started to calm down and then it dawned on me, they were shapeshifters. With a pack it meant these shapeshifters were wolves. Great, just what we needed in the genie world a new threat or enemy or whatever we're calling them now-a-days. I edged closer to the couch and to Giovanni's bottle, knowing it'd be easier to grab that then be able to help him, before I saw the largest of the guys freeze and sniff the air. I froze in my place as all three of them started to do it, and I wondered what they smelled. I know it isn't me as my blood has no scent, no genie's does.

"You smell it too?" (Sam)

I saw the other two shapeshifters nod before a fourth man burst through the door panting for breath. Gio sensed me and looked up at me just as the fourth man started to talk in a loud and urgent sounding voice, but I made the motion for him to stay put.

"Sam, another leech just within our border. We saw it but it got away before we could catch it." (Jared)

"Everyone with me now. Call Seth back and have him guard the house." (Sam)

The fourth man nodded to the one that was obviously in charge before everyone soon followed him outside. The man in charge looked over to the woman that had been standing in the kitchen before nodding and telling her they'd be careful. I sensed the love between them and smiled a bit before remembering that he was the one that had my cousin captured.

"Hold onto this Emily until we get back." (Sam)

The woman nodded as she took the bottle from his hands and then watched him leave. I watched her watch him for a few seconds before she got a small bowl of water and a rag and brought it over to Gio. She started to dab at the cuts that were covering his face and practically everywhere else, apologizing each time he flinched. I was right next to them both as I saw her in a clearer view and saw the scars that went down her face.

A moment later and Gio smirked as best as he could with the black eyes and busted lip as he looked at me. The woman followed his gaze and gasped before moving away from us both, the bottle still clutched tightly in her hand. I wasn't too surprised that my invisibility enchantment wore off. It takes a lot of magic to hold one for long. I was lucky I guess it had worn off now rather than earlier.

I froze though in my movements towards the woman and the bottle she was now clutching in her hands. I looked toward Gio but he only waved me off, as if knowing I was asking if he was ok enough to go back into the bottle before I could help him. He was an off genie in that returning to his bottle didn't worry him as much as it did others, especially compared to me.

"You're what he is aren't you? Giovanni?" (Emily)

"I am. I have come for him. For one deserves to be a slave." (J)

"I agree, I told them that but they did not listen. Take him now and go, I'll tell them what happened after they've returned." (Emily)

"I thank you for his freedom." (J)

"It's nothing, I only wish you can both forgive them, forgive us, for keeping him in the first place." (Emily)

I felt the heartfelt desire behind her wish, as did Giovanni and we both nodded, granting it as we did. I took Giovanni's bottle, opening it and seeing him turn into green smoke before flying inside. He knew he could trust me to open it as soon as we were safe and back in my house. Now I only had to get us there without getting us both caught.

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