Chapter 78

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Carlisle's POV:

I watched as Elder Jesse flicked his wrist and Caius was sent up in flames in a similar fashion to Felix only a few minutes ago. I could practically feel Aro's fury but I knew as well as he did that if he was not cautious now he would forever lose his seat of power and quite possibly his life. I watched as Elder Jade gave Marcus instructions to carry out on the day of the Conference, watching in amazement as he again smiled at her before they parted.

"We must take our leave now to finish preparations for the Conference. But Aro Volturi, you have been warned. And the Supernatural Council does not give second chances. Even when you think you aren't being watched, remember that you are." (K. Evin)

I saw their majesties nod their head towards me and Jeanie before disappearing in the flash of green light. Jeanie hugged both Elder Jesse and Elder Jade before watching them disappear with Alpha Wesley in a flash of gold light. I felt Jeanie grip onto my hand as we looked up to meet Aro's look of anger mixed with defeat.

"It's quite an army you have on your side Carlisle. Quite an army indeed." (Aro)

"Aro my friend, we did not come here to fight and I am sorry for the way things have turned out. But if you would but listen to my advice, they were not joking when they said that someone could always be watching you. If I have learned anything since Jeanie has entered our lives it is that there are many creatures that not even I could have imagined exist." (Carlilse)

"I have no doubt of that now. May the next time we meet be in happier times then Carlisle. Such a prize worthy family you have." (Aro)

I felt Jeanie stiffen next to me as she glared at him before he caught her glare and bowed his head as a sign of apology. I nodded goodbye  him before I could see how the reality of everything that just happened hits him full force and he looks defeated by it all. It is a hard pill to swallow when you think you're on the top of the power chain just to learn you're barely in the middle.

Jeanie offers a stiff nod to Aro and offers Marcus a soft smile before snapping her fingers. A few moments later and I open my eyes to be greeted by my wonderful mate wrapping her arms around me. I smile into her hair as I pick her up and hold her closer to me. I heard a slight laugh before Jeanie snapped her fingers again and I put Esme down to see Jeanie back to her 'human' appearance. I saw her sway some on her feet, and I realized how much took out of her as she leans against the couch for support.

"Well where is my mate to greet me like that?" (J)

"JEANIE!" (Em)

Not a second after Emmett's voice boomed through the house and we could all hear his loud footsteps  rushing down the stairs and straight to Jeanie. He picked her up with a laugh and a smile before kissing her. The rest of the family was now in the living room all with smiles of relief that we made it back home in seemingly one peace.

"So, how'd it go?" (Esme)

Emmett sat down on the chair across from me and Esme, Gemma soon climbing up into Jeanie's lap as she sat in Emmett's. I heard Edward suck in a breath as he caught wind of some of my thoughts before a slow smile seemed to light up his face. He could see what I could easily see before we left. Aro Volturi was brought down a few pegs and I could only imagine it would do wonders for him in the long run.

" could have gone a bit better I suppose." (J)

I let out a chuckle before I looked over to Jeanie who was now holding a laughing Gemma in her arms and I could see the glitter in her eye as she said that with a smile. I let out another laugh at that as truthfully I was just relieved that we're alive, as I knew she was understating it to the extreme.

"Well details then babe." (Em)

"Why don't we wait until later tonight and we'll tell you all everything that happened? But first, Gemma would you like to see if Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosie wants to go shopping with you while I take a short nap?" (J)

"YES!!!!" (Alice)

"Let me grab my purse, I'm driving." (Rose)

Emmett's POV:

I stared at my mate in absolute love and astonishment as she read Gemma a bed time story called "The Mermaid's Pearl." After Gemma left for the mall with Rose and Alice earlier today she fell asleep against my chest and stayed there until they got home. I knew she would be tired from the magic use but she seemed to be getting stronger just as Gene said she would now that she's a free genie.

She had finally allowed Carlisle to tell everyone what happened while she got Gemma ready for bed. It was hard to believe that Caius was dead, but in one way it was an enjoyable relief. Never did like that bastard anyway and after hearing he wanted Jeanie dead, I was even happier he was gone now.

I smiled as my mate and niece smiled and laughed together over something that was happening in the story. My relief when she got home completely unharmed today was unbelievable. I hadn't been any help to Rose or Edward with Gemma while she was gone. I was basically just a pacing wreck, even Jasper had a hard time calming me down.

I smile as watch my mate read to Gemma for a few more minutes before I head back to our room. I throw my shirt in the laundry basket before walking out onto the balcony and looking up at the stars. I smiled as I heard my mate's quiet footsteps as she left Gemma's room and came to ours. I felt her warm arms wrap around my chest from behind as she kissed my shoulder.

"Coming into our room to find you shirtless on the balcony looking like a magazine cover, now that is something I could get used to." (J)

I laugh before I spin around and pull her against my chest, smirking as blushes when my hands rip her own shirt off followed by her bra. I pick her up and my lips find hers as her arms go around my neck and her legs go around my waist. She pulls away from me after a few moments panting, and I smile at what has to be one of the sexiest sounds ever uttered.

She sighs as she catches her breath before she looks up at the stars but with her here with me, they are dull in comparison. I see a smile light her face before she points to a certain part in the sky and I force my eyes away from her beautifully naked chest and towards the sky.

"Look, a shooting star." (J)

"Yea, guess I should make a wish then. I wish our adorable little niece couldn't hear a thing from our room and would sleep until morning while I completely ravish the sexiest creature alive that is my mate." (Em)

I watched as a blush covered her cheeks before she crashed her lips to mine again. I traced her lips with my tongue smiling when she willingly let me in, hearing her gasp into the kiss as my hands grabbed her ass and lifted her just a bit higher against me. I felt her hands going up and down my neck and my shoulders while her legs stayed wrapped tightly around my waist. I smirked as I heard moan into the kiss again, knowing that her moan would always be one my favorite sounds.

She pulled away panting again as I pulled her up higher and started to kiss and bite her bare nipples in the light of the beautiful moon shining down on us on the balcony. I heard her gasp one more time before a light laugh let her mouth and her eyes met mine with a mischievous glint in them as she snapped her fingers.

"Well you know what people say, sometimes wishes do come true." (J)

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