Chapter 47

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Emmett's POV:

I smiled as I watched her still sleeping, even though it was well past noon. I had no intentions of waking her up though, especially since it was my fault she was kept up for nearly three days straight. I had been running through what her Uncle had said when he was here, wanting to know what he meant by cursed town.

Did he mean as a joke since a whole family of vampires lived here already? Or was it literally a cursed town? I mean after finding out that angels, genies, elves, goblins, and basically everything else that is 'mythical' exists it wouldn't surprise me that much that curses are real.

I pause in my thoughts as I hear Jeanie yawn a bit before she opens her eyes and looks up at me. The smile on my face only grows as she stares up at me through her beautiful lashes, her blue eyes a perfect match for the sky.

"Mornin Em." (J)

"Afternoon babe." (Em)

I laughed a bit as she leaned up to look at the clock before she started laughing with me. I pulled her down into my chest before receiving a slight surprise of a kiss from her. I felt her warm tongue trace my lips but before I could deepen the kiss she disappears from my arms.

I sat up in her room about to panic when I heard her laughing downstairs in the kitchen. I was down there as fast as I could be and giving her a soft glare as she made tea and breakfast, but my glare only earned me a slight laugh from her.

"I was hungry love, would you have let me up if I didn't escape myself?" (J)

"Yes.......well after a while anyway." (Em)

"Exactly why I took matters into my own hands. Now as I fix myself some food, did you have more questions last night or was I imagining it?" (J)

"I had a few more I suppose. What did your Uncle mean when he said the town was cursed? Did he mean us?" (Em)

"Hardly. I......I must have your promise not to overreact when I tell you." (J)

"Overreact? It's that bad?" (Em)

"I can still recall how you acted during Halloween Emmett. So, I need your word to stay calm." (J)

I froze in my seat a bit at that, knowing that I had scared her a bit when she saw me that angry. I nodded before giving my word that I would stay as calm as I could before she poured herself a cup of tea and sat across from me at the counter.

"A fairy, yes they're real to, had her heart broke by a human lover here apparently. She then cursed the town so that any living supernatural would become targets of the curse." (J)

"What about us? We don't really experience any cursed stuff here." (Em)

"In the supernatural world, since you lack a heartbeat, you're not considered living so the curse doesn't affect you. It's actually part of the reason Uncle was able to figure out what you were." (J)

" what does the curse do exactly?" (Em)

"In laminas terms it means that anyone under 18 will absolutely hate supernatural beings without knowing why, and they will act on that hatred because of the curse. It's why I don't want any of you to interfere with the 'bullies' at school. They literally have no choice in what they do." (J)

"So you've stayed in school in a town that was cursed, being bullied and even beat up because of a curse a fairy placed here?" (Em)

"Actually.....I uh...well I stayed to be with you. I knew about the curse the first week of school but I also knew that I wanted to get to know you better." (J)

"You've been going through hell at school for me? All because of a curse?!?!" (Em)

I could feel myself becoming angry at the entire situation. Angry at the damned fairy that cursed the town in such a way because Jeanie got hurt. Angry at Jeanie for not just leaving school and allowing herself to get hurt in such a way. And angry at myself for not being able to better protect my mate.

Jeanie's POV:

I watched as Emmett's eyes went from liquid gold to dark black as his shoulders seemed to shake with anger. I took a few steps back remembering this is how he was at Halloween as well, before I remember that as his mate I may be the only one able to calm him down.

Taking a deep breath, I disappeared from my spot in the kitchen only to appear sitting in his lap. His shaking continued though and it was if he didn't even notice my presence in his lap. I wasn't sure whether I should be worried or offended by that, though at the moment worry seemed to be winning. 

I did the only other thing I could think of and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I traced his marble stone lips with my tongue as I felt his shaking seem to slow some before I pulled away from him and rest my forehead on his.

"Emmett love, please calm down and come back to me." (J)

I felt his shaking stop and then felt his arms wrap themselves slowly around me, before pulling me in closer to him. He took a deep breath of my scent as he buried his face in my hair before I pulled away from him again. I was met this time by liquid golden eyes as he stared at me in remorse.

"Forgive me Jeanie." (Em)

"It's fine Emmett, if I was the vampire and you were the genie I feel I would have reacted similarly." (J)

"No, not for how I just acted. Forgive me for all the times I wasn't there for you, to protect you from the curse. I'm a sorry ass mate, but I'm going to be better for you for now on. I swear it." (Em)

" are the best the thing that has happened to me in my entire existence. You can try to be better if you want, but you've already been the best in my eyes even with the enslavement incident." (J)

I saw him about to argue and thought it better to take matters into my own hands before he went any further. I slammed my lips to his and felt him respond to the kiss almost instantly. Only this time around I allow him to deepen the kiss as I feel his cool tongue dominate my own in the kiss, a smile gracing my face as he does. If I was to be dominated in a kiss I can't imagine it with anyone other than him.

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